Apatros Review Ep-0087: The Howling Reborn [2011]

2 months ago

AR-0087: The [so far to date] last entry in the notorious Howling franchise of werewolf movies [& the first to be made at least a decade since the previous one] decides to blend the werewolf formula with the atrocious "Twilight" formula that had effectively killed the vampire genre, with predictably lousy results.

A high school senior, on the eve of his graduation, falls head over heels over a mysterious female student who just transferred in and gets the surprise of his life when his supposedly long-dead mother returns, revealing herself to be the Queen of The Werewolves and her son is the new heir to the throne...

Sonny Boy takes this news as badly as a whore letting a big one rip inside a packed church during All Saints Day.

An utterly forgettable and wholly negligible DTV [direct-to-video] werewolf movie that was never asked to be made.

My Grade: D [Bad]

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