What's The Worst Self Belief You Can Have As A Man?

1 month ago

“Am I worthy?”

“What is/was the most difficult limiting belief to overcome?”

Such a great question from yesterdays AMA…

My answer:

“Am I worthy?”

Am I good enough, am I strong enough and am I capable… all derive from self worth.

I believe for most men that were raised without a strong and healthy masculine voice in their life that this is the fundamental doubt they must overcome.

Most of our core beliefs are developed in early childhood, and since masculinity is modeled self-worth is either passed on as a gift through a mature, masculine example… Or left as an empty void in boys and adolescents will seek through external validation…

Many men struggle with worth as adults, and seek to fill it through external means, success in business trophies in the bedroom or passivity and vices to numb the ache.

I believe worth is earned through work.

Choosing to do hard things and pursuing beyond the point of discomfort and inconvenience.

This develops a deep sense of inner pride, that far exceeds any external validation.

The pursuit of excellence destroys low self worth.


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