The Silver Wars - the true story behind the opium wars in China

7 months ago

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In the year 1513, Portuguese explorers first landed on the coast of China. They’ve heard legends about this strange land, from the people of India and Malacca, with whom they were already trading. The stories told of an ancient empire, rich and cultured beyond measure, and yet secluded and isolated from the rest of the world. Chinese ships, so they were told, once sailed across the oceans, until the emperor decided to close the borders, and avoid any contact with foreigners. When an expedition led by Jorge Alvares arrived at the mouth of the pearl river, the locals gazed at them with curiosity and amazement. They had never seen white men before. The Portuguese were allowed to visit the port city of Canton, but not to travel any further inland. They admired the goods which this land had to offer - silk, porcelain and tea, which would surely fetch a handsome price back in Lisbon. But the only thing which the Chinese merchants wanted in return was silver.

This was the beginning of one of most fascinating episodes in history, in which China rose to prominence in the eyes of all Europeans, only to be tricked and robbed of its wealth in the most heinous way. As a matter of fact, Chinese people refer to this period as “a century of humiliation”, and to this day it is a source of suspicion and resentment towards the west. As you will see, silver played a key role in the events which unfolded. Mysteriously enough, it is again at the heart of global events, and may also play a role in China’s revenge.

Music: A new journey, by Michael Schuller
Used under a creative commons license:

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