Beyond Dimensions: Ascending with Noelle - Visionary of the New Earth.

6 months ago

Noelle is an Ascension Visionary teaching humans how to morph from the 3-Dimensional world to the 5-Dimensional world and beyond! Her soul timeline mission on this planet has been an accumulation of knowledge, experiences and research of several lifetimes in order to connect the dots to teaching the "New Earth." She is a seeker and the speaker of truth linking her journey of the past, present and future to assist in shapeshifting the planet and all species on a universal level.
Noelle illuminates a "WORLDWIDE MOVEMENT" guiding humans how to tap into their higher self with other healers who are also revealing themselves to make a difference. Her soul timeline mission is to assist the planet and all beings by lifting the vibration to ascension using a non-traditional futuristic approach. She is filled with new ideas and is here to take an active role in furthering human evolution. As a builder of the foundation of the New Earth, Noelle uses innovative ideas that can greatly assist groups. Known as a messenger from the future, she is a portal activator for humankind to evolve in consciousness. Bringing in new concepts, unusual methods and offering fresh perspectives giving each human being an understanding they did not see before. Noelle is a connector of multiple realms, utilizing frequency, light codes, dreams, visions, mathematics, meditation, energy, experience, research, inner wisdom, angels, extraterrestrials, 11D & 12D beings, mother nature, universal records and the cosmic energy field. Noelle is a composer of written and visual creativity serving as a muse poet for Planet Earth at this time to achieve the ultimate dream of ascension for all!

Her website


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