Drug Dealer Simulator 2 | A Totally Dope Business Management Simulator | Part 02 of 02

7 months ago

Hello Im Skill Incarnate and Welcome to My Games Review Series.
My reviews cover indie games that i have bought, had gifted to me and have been provided by developers for review.

In this episode I am returning to showcase the Full Release of one of my favourite Simulation Series, Drug Dealer Simulator 2. This game was developed by Byterunners, the developer behind the original Drug Dealer Simulator, and is published by Movie Games SA, the publisher behind the excellent Boomer Shooter Sunset Overdrive. Drug Dealer Simulator 2 follows Eddie, from the first game, as he attempts to startup his own drug empire in the remote island of La Sombra.

In this video we pick off where the Demo of Drug Dealer Simulator 2 ends as i continue to build a one man Drug Empire. Well cultivate, prepare and package various goodies, from the Chronic to the Devils Dandruff, which we then supply to the islands inhabitants, navigating the island factions, avoiding the watchful eye of the military and expanding our criminal empire.

Drug Dealer Simulator 2 takes everything we loved about the first game and expands on the concept. With new products to sell, new factions to find, and a new location to explore, the game provides players with a massive new experience to enjoy. Finally the games cooperative mode allows to you create your own cartel with your friends and is one of the most enjoyable multiplayer simulation games on the market.

Please note: All opinions in this video are my own. Game was provided by the developer for review purposes


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Drug Dealer Simulator 2 on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1708850/Drug_Dealer_Simulator_2/


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