Taking Ownership and Accountability - Breakdown of Secret Service Director's Testimony | Episode 73

7 months ago

In this episode, Ron and Kristin discuss accountability and responsibility and breakdown the testimony of Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheatle, and the lack of clear and actionable information. The point that transparency is a must for leaders of any industry is explored in detail with takeaways to assist leaders if they are ever in the "hot seat" is included. The range of topics covered are both challenging and interesting.

Dhru Purohit Show - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dhru-purohit-show/id1381257272?i=1000662277444
Elevate Leadership - https://www.elevateleadership.com/blog/how-to-hold-employees-accountable#:~:text=Data%20shows%20that%2082%25%20of,company's%20top%20leadership%20development%20needs.
Fox News coverage of Director Cheatle's testimony
Harvard Business Review - https://hbr.org/2020/11/how-to-actually-encourage-employee-accountability

Co-hosts: Ron Ward and Kristin Sokoloff
Sponsor: 4Ward Operations
Producer: Stephen Ridley
Facebook Group Administrator: Cassy Roop

Where leadership meets entertainment! This weekly podcast takes both a humorous and intense look at leadership through impactful stories, answers to listener questions, and breakdowns of dirty lessons from Ron's best selling book, "The Dirty Side of Leadership".

Connect with us at 4wardoperations.com

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