Wray Addresses House Judiciary on First Amendment and Violence

6 months ago

FBI Director Christopher Wray, testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, highlighted the importance of expressing views peacefully under the First Amendment. During his testimony, Wray stated, "There is a right way and a wrong way under the First Amendment to express your views no matter how passionate or even angry you are. Violence and threats of violence are not the right way. When it turns to violence and threats of violence, that's when we have to draw the line." His comments underscore the need for civil discourse and the rejection of violent methods when engaging in public debate.

#FBI #FirstAmendment #FreeSpeech #CivilDiscourse #PublicSafety #ViolencePrevention #ChristopherWray #HouseJudiciaryCommittee #LegalBoundaries #PeacefulProtest #BreakingNews

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