Prayer - 10/16/2022 | Equipping The Body Series |

6 months ago

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Pastor Jacob Gardner

Prayer - (Ephesians 6.12)

I - What Is Prayer? - (2 Corinthians 10.4-5)

1. Pray For The Saints - (Ephesians 6.8)

2. Pray Without Ceasing - (1 Thessalonians 5.17)

3. Pray In Agreement - (Matthew 18.19)

4. Pray Persistently - (James 5.17-18)

II - Prayer Changes Us - (Matthew 26.36-39)

III - Prayer Allows God To Move - (James 4.8)

Areas God Requires Of Us

1. Live A Pure Life - (1 Peter 1.15-16)

2. Approach God With A Spirit Of Humility - (1 Peter 5.5)

3. Come To Him With Boldness - (Hebrews 4.16; 11.6)

4. Have The Right Motive - (James 4.1-3)

5. Develop A Prayer Life

6. Pray The Word Of God - (Psalm 138.2)

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