TheDimNews LIVE: Beverly's Birthday! | Biden Drops Out of Race | Kamala Steps Up to the Plate

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.


Qriist Supporter This would be a superchat with a witty* message but Rumble is still being retarded.

Qriist Supporter *results may vary

RonGreen1 Roll out the red carpet. Those lovely ladies will soon be here for another award winning performance.

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User

thrasybulus Is @AlexLate Again?

RonGreen1 Alex is stuck in a time warp between mountain standard time and pacific daylight savings time.

jbsx Supporter+ Happy Birthday Erly

RonGreen1 Happy birthday Beverly and mom. 🎂🎂

thrasybulus @ErlIsADayOlderThanHerMom.

thrasybulus @ErlWasLiterallyBornYesterday.

thrasybulus Woman have no ages between 29 and when they are old enough to receive a govt check.

JQuickDraw Supporter Hey it's that chick from 4 Non Blondes.

RonGreen1 Never ask a woman her age. Or her weight.😂

thrasybulus On this episode of @BeverlyWantsToBeAHillbilly Beverly talks to tech support.

thrasybulus Hilarity ensues,

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly's video is using a 70s home movie filter, very soft and hazy.

RonGreen1 Alex is an air traffic controller that works from home.

Qriist Supporter sells the birthday vibe @JQuickDraw

JQuickDraw Supporter After the Crowdstrike snafu, it took several days to get the head in my skibidi toilet to spin in the correct direction. #1stWorldProblems

thrasybulus Crowd

thrasybulus Escape Rooms don't like me. Apparently it's "cheating" to bring your own lockpicks and prybar.

thrasybulus Cryptex

Qriist Supporter pocket bulldozer or bust

thrasybulus Masterballing.

Qriist Supporter in all her holes

thrasybulus @HoboEater Bake the cake you bigot! Reee!

thrasybulus Could have been a chocolate cake.

RonGreen1 Beverly's baking adventures. In technicolor.

thrasybulus I only leave out cakes that contain poison like any vengeful person.

Qriist Supporter "Take that Santa!" -@thrasybulus

thrasybulus @Qriist Santa only gets laxative cookies until I get that present I wanted when I was 8.

Qriist Supporter Proper.

JQuickDraw Supporter I think Santa would see that laxative cookie thing a mile away. Remember, he's an expert remote viewer.

Qriist Supporter Santa is the CIA's MVP (Most Valuable Perv)

JQuickDraw Supporter Escape rooms should be set up so if you can't figure it out, you don't get to leave. Force people to have skin in the game.

JQuickDraw Supporter "Queen" also makes me think of San Francisco for some reason.

thrasybulus I had never read the books. Some buddies had us watch the first Potter movie. Sucked.

Qriist Supporter The suckage is real.

JQuickDraw Supporter Yeah but you need the color red in there somewhere for a DEI cake. Remember, there's a color for every race.

Qriist Supporter except those racist hwhites

JQuickDraw Supporter Yeah, but you know when you pass a hu-white light through a prism, you get the rainbow. QED POCs.

thrasybulus Musicals are like Xena Warrior Princess and Baywatch in the 90s, they are better watched with the sound off.

thrasybulus Give her medicine after the stream!

JQuickDraw Supporter The musical parody in Team America is just perfect. "Everyone has AIDS!"

thrasybulus Baseketball is totally skippable.

JQuickDraw Supporter Wow Beverly is really blackpilled on the political process. Nice.

thrasybulus Biden stepping down?! Biden and stairs are not a good match.

JQuickDraw Supporter The far left has pulled everyone's "window" further left, so the right is centrist and centrist is leaning left now.

thrasybulus I guess they don't believe half-black lives matter.

JQuickDraw Supporter If anyone is possibly worse than Biden when it comes to the black population, it's Kamala. Joe's crime bill put them in jail, but Kamala kept them in jail as slave labor after serving their time.

thrasybulus Hasn't BLM had some leadership changes over the last few years? Financial self servicing and all.

Qriist Supporter prolly

Qriist Supporter haven't paid attention in the last couple years

thrasybulus Kamala makes Hillary look popular.

JQuickDraw Supporter Kamala is Hillary without the charm and wit.

thrasybulus George Clooney deserves an Oscar for his video as Biden.

thrasybulus Biden seems surprised and confused when a reporter asked him why he left the race.
OakPoke Supporter+ Good evening ladies, chat

RonGreen1 The FBI has still not released the make, model and caliber of the rifle used to shoot Trump.

JQuickDraw Supporter lol I think when Biden called Trump after the shooting, he said something like "How could survive that?" Trying to sound concerned, I get it, but it sounded like he was upset that the plan failed.

Qriist Supporter On behalf of all ladies everywhere, hi @OakPoke
OakPoke Supporter+ The crime bill passed with bipartisan support, but it was only a compromise bill. it should have gone further.

JQuickDraw Supporter Hey Beverly is high res now.
OakPoke Supporter+ Trump advocating on behalf of criminals and attacking kamala for locking up criminals is something so stupid only the GOP would do
OakPoke Supporter+ Happy birthday 🎂

JQuickDraw Supporter Kamala didn't just lock up criminals, she held them past their time served.
OakPoke Supporter+ Stop making me like her
OakPoke Supporter+ Three strikes and you're out was a desperate attempt to save the state that was ruined by third world migration

RonGreen1 The sniper team on the second floor of the building behind the roof, were removed from their post minutes before Trump was shot.
OakPoke Supporter+ We don't have to go too far back when people were just hung for a lot of crimes. I would reinstate that immediately if for no other reason that eugenics

thrasybulus Dan Bogino who spent ten years doing security details for secret service calls it an apocalyptic security failure.

JQuickDraw Supporter You want that level of law enforcement with our current incarnation of government? Good luck with that.
OakPoke Supporter+ can't be a failure, right? They can't be that incompetent

JQuickDraw Supporter The slope argument is beyond retarded and an untruth on its face.

Qriist Supporter facts
OakPoke Supporter+ Jquick maybe we're punished for trusting the left.

thrasybulus Back to PepsiCo. Fritos secure Ma'am.

JQuickDraw Supporter To quote Dallas from Alien, "I don't trust anyone."

RonGreen1 Cheatle will go back to guarding Doritos.

JQuickDraw Supporter Trust is earned.
OakPoke Supporter+ Corbin Dallas 😉
OakPoke Supporter+ Jason that's fair...
OakPoke Supporter+ Whoa, Beverly is high definition!

JQuickDraw Supporter And then they "posted" snipers IN the sloped building, and the guys in the building saw the shooter outside the building and did nothing.

JQuickDraw Supporter The whole shooting scenario in PA is reminiscent of the video from the JFK assassination when all the secret service agents except one backed off JFK's car and called the one straggler to join them.
OakPoke Supporter+ They were pulled off of Kennedys bumper, yes

thrasybulus Different types of rifles make different sounds.

RonGreen1 Crooks is the Lee Harvey Asperger of the assassination attempt on Trump.
OakPoke Supporter+ Looks like Crooks had a gal account in 2021. he posted 9 times liberal junk, favoring mass migration.
OakPoke Supporter+ That's what Andrew torba said anyway

Qriist Supporter got a link? hadn't seen that yet

thrasybulus Testimony was worse than Biden's debate performance.
OakPoke Supporter+ It was on his Twitter I'll look real quick
OakPoke Supporter+

thrasybulus There is talk of changing the USSS Director position to require a confirmation by the Senate.

RonGreen1 When Trump was elected on 2016 the FBI said they had an insurance plan to stop Trump from being the president
OakPoke Supporter+ if you look at tornado's all in there, and some reposts that are relevant...but that will get you started. he was 100 pct a shitlib
OakPoke Supporter+ Ron that's right

thrasybulus No politician who aspires to getting that protection wants it to fail.

RonGreen1 The secret service doesn't wash dishes. Why would they need to hire more women.😂
OakPoke Supporter+ 👍

thrasybulus Nikki Haley was trying to get dems to register as reps to help her in the primary.

RonGreen1 Chuckie Chickencluck

thrasybulus Chuck is Amy Schumer's uncle or something isn't he?

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator yes

thrasybulus Whatever you permit, you promote.
OakPoke Supporter+ I know/knew a retired CIA agent. Garden variety far lefty.

thrasybulus Flynn was DIA Director. About as high as a Mil Intel Officer gets.

RonGreen1 The CIA is the Bush crime family. Always has been.

RonGreen1 Bill Barr was CIA when Bush Sr. was the CIA director.
OakPoke Supporter+ What a good looking dog

thrasybulus FARA

thrasybulus Foreign Agents Registration Act

thrasybulus @Beverly'sBitch is on camera.

RonGreen1 Is that a cake terrier?

RonGreen1 Jill is headed to the summer Olympics

RonGreen1 Jill is part of the opening ceremony? I didn't know street walking was an Olympic event.

thrasybulus @RonGreen1 Joe is headed to the Special Olympics.
OakPoke Supporter+ Yeah, less a disaster for.them as they're trying to over run us

thrasybulus The border!? Has she been to Europe?
OakPoke Supporter+ They pretend to try to guard the border like they try to pretend they tried to protect Trump

JQuickDraw Supporter I think the US is due historically to fade as the controlling empire. BRICS is rising. The events of the last decade or so are the flailing acts of an elite that cannot accept their fate.

thrasybulus The border cackler.

RonGreen1 Border czar? Kamela thought they said whore car, and got into the first one.
OakPoke Supporter+ I'm just sad he didn't whip him. He deserved it tbh.

JQuickDraw Supporter Domestically, we are no longer left to our own devices, as Marxists are being allowed into positions of power by the elites, to take the heat off their economic pump and dump schemes and wars abroad.

Qriist Supporter @JQuickDraw correct

JQuickDraw Supporter It's the ghost of John McCain, Alex. He's not happy with the voter ID stuff.

RonGreen1 If you're not cheating then you're not trying hard enough.
OakPoke Supporter+ I don't believe anyone was canceled as much as thousands canceled their tickets and they could no longer afford their insurance foe the events
OakPoke Supporter+ I nominate myself for Eugenics Czar.
OakPoke Supporter+ Replacement Alex "Conspiracy" theorist hahaha

Qriist Supporter <3
OakPoke Supporter+ I still have windows on all of my computers, I just never boot into windows...I wonder if i'll be dealing with it in a year or 2 when I log into windows for some reason.

RonGreen1 Southwest Airlines was unaffected by the Crowd Strike outage because they use some ancient windows system.

Qriist Supporter i saw that lol
OakPoke Supporter+ Nice. Based windows 3.1
OakPoke Supporter+ maybe 98 SE, that allowed for something to do with a usb stick idk

Qriist Supporter who knows lol
OakPoke Supporter+ I upgraded my dad's/uncle's work computer many moons ago to like a pentium 4...theirs was old enough it had 3.1 or 95 to start...thing sounded like a lawnmower when it booted up
OakPoke Supporter+ Dot 3 matrix printer or some such thing...that thing was bullet proof for printing out invoices and what not
OakPoke Supporter+ I asked Alex to teach me some cardio dance response 😂

Qriist Supporter she hates us @OakPoke 😭
OakPoke Supporter+ Yes I tend to use Linux Mint, but i have a dozen different distros on my comp, i just don't use them
OakPoke Supporter+ Pizza dough 300 calories nice!
OakPoke Supporter+ @Qriist haha

JQuickDraw Supporter I guess Destiny's biggest kink is paying alimony to his ex while she is with a slender more girlish guy than him.
OakPoke Supporter+ Beverly, I think I found the 300 calorie video. A ginger made it right? I'll have to look into it
OakPoke Supporter+
OakPoke Supporter+ @JQuickDraw Yeah...would suck to be him

JQuickDraw Supporter Well, it would be hypocritical to not allow felons to run for president when most of them commit war crimes after being elected. It seems more like a prerequisite to me.

JQuickDraw Supporter God the left is so fucking lame. The right is sad and has a long rich history of lameness, but the new left somehow outdoes them.
OakPoke Supporter+ Ok, I think I see her and have watched the video...I even bought egg whites but haven't tried to see if they will whip up yet...

RonGreen1 Trump wears steel-toed boots. Biden wears a diaper.😂
OakPoke Supporter+ Isn't about 90 percent of dnc money comingi from "certain ethnic group donations" ?? while about half is true for the GOP...hint, their cousin spoke to congress today
OakPoke Supporter+ i might be off on the numbers, but it's very high anyway

JQuickDraw Supporter Trump can speak WITHOUT a script or teleprompter for over an hour, and interact with people in the crowd. You can criticize him for a lot of things, but his mind is not one of them.
OakPoke Supporter+ Yep

JQuickDraw Supporter Hold on, gotta get my vomit bucket.
OakPoke Supporter+ PIzza in a cup steve martin?

JQuickDraw Supporter King Tut and The Jerk Steve Martin

JQuickDraw Supporter If Trump is the next Hitler, why did so many high-ranking leftists (including Biden) call him to see how he was doing and wish him well after the shooting?

JQuickDraw Supporter Steve Martin plays the banjo, so his Twitter name makes sense.
OakPoke Supporter+ Hardly literate leftist cunt.
OakPoke Supporter+ Lefties pay a lot of's a shame the gop doesn't do it more. Maybe that guy with aids, scott pressler perhaps.

RonGreen1 Kamela looks like the best dressed hooker on the corner.

RonGreen1 A hostile work environment is when the coffee maker breaks down.
OakPoke Supporter+ I was punched several times by a lady with Trump derangement syndrome in maybe 2017 or 2018.

JQuickDraw Supporter Louis CK has a great bit on how people love deer so much but they are really just assholes.

JQuickDraw Supporter Starvation - also featured in The Holodomor.
OakPoke Supporter+ True

Qriist Supporter @OakPoke I've been reliably informed that you're supposed to punch Nazis
OakPoke Supporter+ Lysenko...genes aren't real, we're communists....see i doubt they were that retarded. I imagine they were just using it as an excuse to kill the farmers
OakPoke Supporter+ @Qriist It checks out! Lmao ahahahahahaha

JQuickDraw Supporter Biden's greatest hits: "Anyway" / "No joke" / "And another thing..."
OakPoke Supporter+ Listen here, Jack.
OakPoke Supporter+ Mama don't let your babies grow up to be Pony Soldiers

Qriist Supporter listen here Fat
OakPoke Supporter+ I heard Pressler was involved in some big orgy, so I assume he has GRIDS, but not confirmed.

JQuickDraw Supporter Cunt Corner Factoid: Destiny eats his girlfriend's boyfriend's cum out of his girlfriend's vagina.
OakPoke Supporter+ ewwww
OakPoke Supporter+ The Black Man, I'm glad you're Biden approved.
OakPoke Supporter+ C word = coneflower

RonGreen1 If Kamela becomes president, Cunt Corner will be Kamela Korner.
Happy Birthday to the Cannibal King, Beverly. Just testing this payment shit. Never tried it since joining rumble.
OakPoke Supporter+ Good night and God bless. Happy Birthday.

RonGreen1 Gnite all 👋

Qriist Supporter like and subscribe, give money, pledge your soul

JQuickDraw Supporter Leif Erickson

JQuickDraw Supporter Sony Ericcson
OakPoke Supporter+ Thanks JAson
OakPoke Supporter+ We love the vikings who visited america / canada

JQuickDraw Supporter I need to first buy a soul to pledge it.
OakPoke Supporter+ Thanks ladies, jason, chat.

Qriist Supporter think they have some at costco
OakPoke Supporter+ Souls for sale

Qriist Supporter buy in bulk

JQuickDraw Supporter lator gators
OakPoke Supporter+ Love, peace, and chicken grease.
OakPoke Supporter+ (the pest)

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