1 Corinthians 33 Spiritual Gifts Overview - Part 2

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SBC Family,

I've made a few slight wording changes and added further notes to the attachment on spiritual gifts. I think we made it up to the gift of miracles last week so we'll start there. I've changed the categories I used to hold from foundational, sign, and development gifts to completed foundational, completed sign, completed mission-critical and growth gifts. It just works better with the biblical data. These are all very interesting, and of course, you know how important it is to be using your gift(s) for the proper function of the body of Christ. They are a major issue (but love is greater still!).

One of the things that stuck out to me is that sometimes we get annoyed by other believers because we don't have their spiritual gift. For example, some believers have the gift of mercy. This means they have pity for the suffering others are facing and actually enter into their suffering and put up with them in it. Others look at the same suffering situation and say "That person brought it on themselves." We don't always understand one another, and both may be right in this case.

Another thing that stuck out is that the spiritual gifts all reflect something in God Himself. For example, the gift of helps reflects that God is our helper. But look, He's using those with the gift to help us. So, He often works indirectly rather than directly. Lots to glean and think about as we study the spiritual gifts.

See you tonight! Love and blessings.

Grace to you,



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