I Rate The Fall of The Cabal for Newbies! But The Protocols of Zion Well...

6 months ago

I Rate the Fall of the Cabal for Newbies! However the Protocols of Zion part you need to understand and LEARN! Janet Ossebaard Woke Up Millions, A Tribute To Her Work " special" - Many will know of her work, fall of the cabal and many will only be finding out about her now as lets face it 2019 -2021 was chaos for many on the earth. The information she presented in the large documentary is still valued today " however she did think trump would save the world". He work has woken up so many people and will continue to do so after death, this repost will awaken many more. https://rumble.com/v43sem6-janet-ossebaard-woke-up-millions-a-fractured-reality-special-part-2.html

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