July 24, 2024

2 months ago

Monday, as I am passing by this precinct I see an individual who proceeded to open his vehicle’s door at the instant I’m getting close, I believe he is a cop, I also noticed a number of cops at the precinct’s entrance looking in my direction.
General statement: It is better at least about some videos to review them at 4x speed. The spy network, based on my experience, involve percentages of the population, one to three percent, impossible you might say, that means millions. In WW II, five million were involved in the Manhattan Project, in absolute secrecy, President Truman didn’t know until he was told about it, therefore, do not tell me, it is impossible. You reach secrecy with large number of spies, because they know very little, just enough for a specific task and swore to absolute secrecy, and heavy penalties in case their open their mouths, some legal and others not so much.
As always, most details on my videos are relevant, I can’t describe everything, it would take me much longer that is taking me now to describe spies attempt to cause an incident or setup a frame. Reviewing the stores’ surveillance video recordings at least ten minutes prior to my arrival and after my departure, should help to understand the way the spies operate, also helps to put in context my videos. Notice, that the time I visit a store is normally between 9 am and 12 pm or from 2 to 4 pm, Monday to Friday, during these hours all these store should have very little clientele, these hours should be the least crowded of all, with the exception of 10 pm to 7 am, nevertheless you see crowds most of the time. Ninety five percent of the time I visit a business, no matter the time of my arrival, there are individuals who start or are, unloading merchandise at that instant, the underlying idea is to cram my space. It appears, some of the stores’ surveillance videos are being collected, I’ve noticed, occasionally, a decrease in the number of spies either standing by in the stores, preceding me or exiting as I arrive, entering as I exit, following me, and gathering at the registers at the time of checking out.
The videos and photos I am posting in the net, should be downloaded by the authorities, the spies could delete all my uploaded files with just one click, they know all my passwords. In fact, I do not know how many of my videos and photos are actually reaching others unaltered, or reaching the net at all. I video record as much as I can, because I feel I am alone on this, I cannot trust witnesses, they can easily be intimidated or worst, considering the size of the spy network. I do not understand why the anti-terror laws are not being applied to the spies stalking me. It is obvious, that a network of this size, acting in such illegal manner, can do anything it wants, against any person, institution or company, perhaps Guantanamo can be a destination for the members of this domestic spy network.
Exiting home has always been one the most dangerous instances when I go out, the spies prepare the ground by saturating my apartment with toxins from the moment I state I will be exiting. I’ve been assaulted at the exit, threatened, situations that can quickly escalate are regularly set up. It is not a coincidence that 95% of the time there is no one reliable present when I exit and return home. Objects are regularly left near my apartment’s door, as a way to make a bit more difficult to move my bike around, the spy who normally does it, is 2B, but can be 2C or any other spy from this building.
The authorities should be questioning the employees at the stores I have visited, by asking simple questions, such as: “if they work for any entity, public or private dealing with matters of intelligence or national security”, also, “if they have been instructed about my persona”. All individuals at the building where I live, but specially at units: 2B, 4B, 5B, should be questioned along the same lines, I have the strong impression that no one is being questioned at all.
Deaths at this Building. I realized I was under very close surveillance, at the end of December 2005, whilst I was working in DC, I was hired for the Dept. of Commerce, back on August, 2005. Before going to DC, the only death occurring at this building, that I am aware of, of suspicious nature, happened at 1A, back in 1990 or the end of 1989, I remember that person was murdered. After my hiring at the DOC, a number of deaths started to happen, the deaths I am aware of, it could be more, I see as suspicious, in fact, I strongly believe they are very related to the spy network stalking me. From November 2005 to now, I know of three deaths at 1B, the first one on Nov. 2005, another one at 3C, another one at 4C, my uncle while visiting this building on Nov 2005, felt sick, months later he would die of cancer, his brother, my father, would die of a stroke on June 2007.
These are the things I know, there could be many more suspicious situations I simply do not know about it.
I avoid having a routine, that is the reason I go to as many stores as is feasible, in that way the spies are forced to spread across a larger area, otherwise, it would be easier for them to concentrate their forces. I keep my bike with me at all times, without chaining it outside, not only because it would be cumbersome to remove my cameras, but because when I have done it, it has been vandalized, sabotage, brake cable cut clean, or stolen. The bikes also provide a platform for the cameras, consequently the images are clearer, stable. I have a bike camera facing back, this camera dissuade, to a point, the spies, bikes and vehicles, from following me too closely. Before I setup this camera, spy bikers would follow me one feet or two feet away from my bike’s rear wheel.
The presence of ambulances, wherever I go, isn’t just about harassing me with their sirens, it is also about to be the first to pick me up in case of an “accident”, during my month trip through Canada, in 2009, I could notice, practically always, an ambulance behind me, at a subtle distance.
I think Citi Bike rentals go up, before I leave home and it decreases after I’ve returned home, the few honest authorities left, by checking if I am right, would have another evidence to realize how big is the hunting of my persona. Many of the spy bikers in order to cause an incident, ride in a collision course toward my persona.
Also, I strongly believe, traffic lights, are being manipulated, to get me into an accident, specially with pedestrians. Many spies of all ages and look place themselves at many, many corners trough Manhattan while I’m out.
These photos and videos shouldn’t be ignored; these individuals and vehicles are involved in dozens of, mostly, illegal activities. These activities are designed to manipulate the political development of the country, its direction, at a local, national and international level. You might be tempted to think how some of them can be spies at all, to build a credible scenario to put their victims out of circulation, specially trough frames, this diversity is crucial to the spy agencies. It will confirm my assertion when you check the background of these individuals, you will see, the majority of them are already either “victims” or “witnesses” of incidents, the spies always work in very well coordinated packs, these packs always include first respondents. I calculate that at least around twenty percent of the police force and other first respondents, trough out the country, works for the CIA, they are chosen with only one consideration, their loyalty to the CIA. Most of them, if not all of them, lack of the actual skills to be a good policeman, therefore, incidents, were people get arrested or shot, in many situations where a good policeman would have never arrested the person or diffused the situation without having to shoot, will keep happening. Part of their job, of the bad cops, is to instigate racial confrontation.
The majority of the spies start their training very young, in fact, in their early years they are prepared by being subjects of abuses, of all sorts, then, they train by bullying, framing and conning other kids, gang rapes are standard to destroy psychologically their very young victims. In sum, spies are being manufactured. I believe three percent of the country is involved in domestic espionage activities, although, due that around me they concentrate, the numbers wherever I go, in the streets, might reach up to twenty five percent or more of those individuals you see in my videos, no matter how casual they might appear. In the stores themselves, the spies' numbers can easily be one hundred percent.
As far as I can tell, everyone in my family is part of this spy network, I believe, they were incorporated as adults, therefore, their participation, I assume, is forced, trough blackmailing and fear, than professional training. When I discovered a very close surveillance was around me, back at the end of 2005, and I told my family about it, their answer was “do not tell anyone because people will think you are crazy” this attitude has not changed. It is very possible, they are telling others, specially authorities, that I am someone with mental troubles, in spite of all my video recordings and other evidence. I believe, this spy network has been around me, since I was at least a teenager, therefore, many comments coming from “friends” might also align with the same line my relatives might be stating.
The use of, mainly, minorities, including LGBTQ people, old people, disabled, females, pregnant women, couples, minors, to harass me, is no casual. The idea is, in case I loose my patience, I fall into a trap, I could make comments that the spies would greatly exploit, at a subsequent trial, hence, I would look as bad as is possible. The CIA/FBI normally employs this scheme against its many targets. Before I started to upload videos to the net, spy couples, many of them kissing as I bike, would be used in large numbers at any day or hour when I was out, no matter the weather. Since I started to post these videos, the spies have been using them in large numbers and more subdue, mostly on weekends, to make it look more “natural”
Although, I start video recording as I exit from home, and I do not stop recording until I am safely back, I do not post every video in the net, as a way of keeping under my sleeves a few aces and also time to analyze them. Many spy vehicles keep their headlights on, regardless of time and weather, on most occasions when I go out. License plates from Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and DC, appear often when I am riding.
Corners where the spies normally set up frames when I go out: Every corner at 4th street from Broadway to my home; Houston and Avenue B; Houston and Broadway; 10, 11th streets and Avenue A; Avenue C, from 2nd Street to 11th St; Avenue B and 6 and 7 Streets; 6th St and 1st Avenue; Bowery and 3rd St; 23rd St 23rd and Third Avenue.
From March to September 2008, PS15 went through renovations, with all the loudness made by the tools employed, many times you could see the workers playing with those tools just to make loud noises. From that period to now, the spies have used all sort of excuses to bring large loud machinery to the street where I live, many times next to my apartment. The spies have extended this excuse to do all kind of work, construction or maintenance, utilities, at buildings and streets, in the area that goes from 14th St, Houston, Broadway and Avenue D, to create situations were I can potentially be put out of circulation due to an “accident”.

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