J@y Ashcr-ft is using the SOS office to Certify Illegal Elections and Block Legal Actions

7 months ago

Missouri's Election Fraud is so deep that almost none of our recent elected officials or laws are legal and need to be thrown out of office or statute.


Ali Graeff has been a beacon of hope, fighting and investing in addressing Election Fraud in the state of Missouri since 2020. Her efforts, particularly in the wake of the 2020 election, have become clear to most honest observers—a stolen election.

Our elections are no longer secure, from mail-in ballots to ballot harvesting to Dominion machines (and other machines) presenting incorrect numbers.

The Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002 brought machine counting into our most critical election infrastructure. We no longer rely on humans (with a tiny miscount rate) who can be verified easily by a recount, but almost every jurisdiction now relies on machines.

Machines can be manipulated at a level we can’t see. They can have ballots placed in them that are incorrect (falsely created), or the software itself can be written to create outcomes for one candidate or multiple candidates. Why? The people in charge of the finances have decided they no longer want to gamble on elections but want to determine who will win beforehand.

Ali has worked hard to uncover the details behind our Election Fraud in Missouri and Nationally. She’s discovered J@y Ashcr-ft and Andr-w Bail-y are working hard to continue the election fraud in our state. These two illegally elected officials claim they fight for you, but they don’t.

Listen to Ali explain how the system has been broken for a long time and how J@y and Andr-w are fighting to keep the system broken.

The 65 Project Ali mentions.


Rumble Video


Editor’s Note: The candidates' names have been given the “curse word” treatment because if we use their real names, Substack will not email our subscribers this article. This only happens when we write articles about the Candidate-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named. This Candidate is using his daddy’s power and Patriot Act connections to suppress free speech. Tell us how he’s a Super Chrisitan—please?


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