actual science offends a lotta religious people but MRIs prove a lot

6 months ago

i didn't mean to stop the last video but that's kinda what we do, randomly start n stop
i said i was gonna do a poster for the lgbt community
the one lgbt person on rumble told me that i seem to be a repressed gay which i don't disagree w/
i guess i'm gender queer or some shit
most cannot go this route
should i start a gofundme for an MRI to prove my man brain
do i have kitty brain instead
cats are amazing creatures n i could watch them all day
okay paisley NOW you can lay on it
most will not agree w/ this take but that's okay
the Bible is the ultimate self-help book
don't worry i don't idolize leo
ag reads Isaiah 56:3-8 in relation to Matthew 19:12
eunuchs receive an everlasting name that will not be cut off!
son of a stranger could mean many things
God wants the outsiders! that is why Jesus...
God will never forsake Israel but that doesn't make them above criticism (if God criticizes Israel then we are also allowed to give them shit for genociding the fuck outta palestine)
all this jewish stuff...
aliens are mentioned in the Bible n not many people address this
it is kinda sad when i think about it but it's just the way it is
childLESS is reality
i would think that children would increase yer empathy but what the fuck do i know since i don't have a kid
they hate the fuck outta white people,man
white people are psychiatric guinea pigs
and then i flushed my medication
i'd rather cut myself than kill myself
they'll shame you for not having what they have but they're not aware of what's making people gay or docile
people have been rewired by chemicals
it really is becuz of capitalism tho
materialism doesn't have shit to do w/ entrepreneurship
i didn't drink coffee all thru out Lent n it really wasn't that hard
is there such a thing as an innocent pleasure

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