clearly the person talking to themselves has it covered

7 months ago

parents, teachers n people on the internet
you will never have to be them n they will never have to be you PERIOD
i am a very observant person so my critique of this world is pretty harsh
believe it or not, i get sick of hearing myself talk
i know i'm nuts damnit
why is talking to yourself so frowned upon
you throw out a regular-ass sponge so empaths must do the same from time to time
if yawl saw yourself the way that the rest of the world sees you you'd probably hate yourself more
if society gave a fuck about itself the smartphone wouldn't be an issue at all
those of us w/ a conspiratorial mindset aren't having fun over here
i'm not coming all over myself tho, Father
porn n social media trick yer brain
they want people to think a lotta things
politics is the end of civilization
produce your cause, saith the Lord*Isaiah 41:21
time goes by super fast the longer the duration
technology has turned time into tokyo on pcp
this theory of mine doesn't quite work
i already got a my cranium *head of camera crew
the inner critic, externalized
what do you think they're gonna do to you, they're too busy carrying on

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