why does ag think of herself as a eunuch

7 months ago

this poster kinda looks like shit but it ain't finished yet so we'll just see
ag explains matthew 19:12
crazy women get cats n people mock us w/ stereotypes
once in a blue moon i get lonely but most of the time it's a party over here
i got this poster around the time of pride month
now's a good time to read Isaiah
this passage makes so much sense outta my life
nature vs nurture here
it would help if i could actually point to the word that i'm speaking about
paisley has approved of this poster
making babies is more about self-preservation than it is love
many holy shits taken in my church
i'm so in awe of women that know how to be women
i am just wired differently
this is most definitely a me problem
it would be way more of a cope for me to pretend that i could make a relationship work

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