“Kill Trump” “Death To Jews”: Free Speech or Hate Speech

7 months ago

On July 13 2024 an assassin tried to kill President Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania and nearly succeeded. Much has been said in the aftermath of this political violence both in the Liberal and Conservative media about why this happened, and if “hate words” said about Trump for years, could have possibly led to this event. The various media have also had their own opinions about "hate words" being shouted and posted on signs during the Spring of 2024 with all the university campus protests. Whatever your political ideology, we can all agree that words have consequences. Vile words like "Kill Trump" and "Trump is Hitler" or words like "Death To Jews" or "Death To Israel" and "Death To America." Seems anything goes these days where words are concerned as polarizing events continue to divide us. So what exactly is free speech and what exactly is hate speech and when should we be concerned that this can lead to violence. Yes we have our constitutional rights. However, where do we draw the line over free speech versus hate speech? Reporter David Nazar asks UC Berkeley Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky this very question.

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