Keir Starmer's True Colours Revealed! He Was NEVER Turning Left

6 months ago

Right, so if you were on of those people who were determined that Keir Starmer was going to turn left once in power, his conduct last night should have torn that belief to shreds as those of us warning of his right wing leanings, his authoritarianism, his actions to purge the left of his own party were proven beyond doubt. He’s in power now, he got the power, he’s been in power for less than two weeks and he’s already managed to find the excuse to purge 7 of what’s left of the left of his own party, whilst others meekly voted as instructed. If Keir Starmer wanted any hope of shaking that Sir Kid Starver moniker of his, he’s cemented it in now as firmly as Thatcher the milk snatcher, but being able to assault his own left wing again is all he’ll be thinking of today, he won’t be thinking of kids in poverty, he’s found money for so many other things, it is his political choice to keep kids hungry. Keir Starmer is already the prime minister who punished his own MPS for opposing poverty. Now you tell me, he isn’t a bloody Tory, because he damn well is. He’s put party before country, before the needs of the country and will only get worse as they keep getting their ‘no money left’ excuses lined up.
Right, so Keir Starmer has nailed on his moniker now of Sir Kid Starver and every single person out there in the run up to the election, demanding we side with Starmer to get the Tories out and saying he’s bound to be better, he’s going to shift left, you’ll see, ought to have been sobbing into their cornflakes this morning or at the very least having a long hard look at themselves in the mirror and finally admit to themselves that they were fooled. Starmer is now in power, he has a massive majority, he can quite happily show his true colours and he has absolutely done that, instigating a 3 line whip to vote against an SNP amendment to the Kings Speech, Labour’s legislative program for the next year, to lift 300,000 kids out of poverty by scrapping the two child benefit cap, though you’ll see various figures for this depending on the degree of poverty you’re talking about, be it severe poverty or absolute poverty, fundamentally all these groups where children make up part of the household are helped though by the lifting of this cap. Labour knows it is unpopular and cruel, Starmer himself knows this, because in 2020 he tweeted out:
‘We must scrap the inhuman Work Capability Assessments and private provision of disability assessments (e.g. ATOS), scrap punitive sanctions, two-child limit and benefits cap.’
So he knows, therefore he’s the sort of person to make a conscious choice to keep a cruel policy in place. I wouldn’t even put it past him to have done this on purpose to give himself the excuse to purge left MPs as he has done, who would never vote to sanction or reinforce such a thing. Kids being used as political football to carry on his attacks and his purge of the left of the Labour Party, the heart and soul of the party, the moral compass of the party and what would be left, would be just yet another pro establishment Tory party, to bend it’s knee to the whims of the rich and powerful. Keir Starmer was not acting like a Conservative folks, he is one and a particularly venal and nasty one.
Think about it this way. For as much as we can attack Tony Blair and his governments for the awful choices and decisions he made, His government lifted millions of kids out of poverty with policies from Sure Start to Tax Credits. Plenty of people and I’m guilty of this as well, have readily compared Starmer to Blair as an indicator of how right wing he actually is, it can be argued that such policies as this from Blair were breadcrumbs sort of policy to appease his left wing, he never purged them, he accepted them, even had one or two in his cabinet. Starmer in reality is far worse than Blair. He won’t accept the left, he has purged them incessantly at membership level since becoming Labour leader and now he’s in power, is making governing decisions, he can do the same to any MP who steps out of his dictatorial lines. What kind of monster imposes a 3 line whip, which carries with it the risk of punishment should an MP not follow the whip, over child poverty? Over a determination to not fix it, all whilst as another for instance, the Royal Family get a pay rise of 53%? It’s perverse and this was literally the first votes on the new Labour governments legislative program that he does this, under 2 weeks and he already suspends 7 of his own MPs for defying him.
And the most angering and maddening part of this is it would only take a very minor tax change on the rich to find the money to pay for this. A 1% wealth tax on assets over £10m would pay for this three times over, but God forbid Starmer tax the rich, that lost money presumably might end up as Labour donations if he plays his cards right.
There’s another argument others might make that Blair inherited a growing economy and Starmer has inherited a Tory mess, but even that doesn’t stack up when you compare what was possible in the post war era, with mass housebuilding, the creation of social security, the NHS, this lot won’t even work to reduce hunger amongst children. It’s worlds apart and exposes all political excuses as political choice. The SNP in Scotland have offset this policy for years showing it is absolutely possible – it’s also notable that not one single Scottish Labour MP voted for this amendment either, so take note Scotland - but it just requires leadership and a determination to get this done and Starmer has none, he does not care. Starmer is deliberately choosing to starve kids by keeping this policy. We expect this sort of evil from the Tories, we do not expect it from Labour but the warning signs were there and people were warned.
Starmer has 411 MPs. 42 of them didn’t bother to vote at all, they abstained. Just 7 of them had the courage of their convictions to note vote to keep kids in poverty, regardless of the consequences for themselves personally. John McDonnell, Apsana Begum, Richard Burgon, Rebecca Long-Bailey, Imran Hussein, Zarah Sultana and the long standing Right to Food campaigner Ian Byrne, who Labour tried desperately to get deselected as an MP like they did with several others, but in this instance failed and actually if anything given his work on food poverty, this is actually a solid reason that his constituents particularly may well have re-elected him. All stood up for child poverty and have been stripped of the Labour whip for it, meaning they must now sit as Independent MPs, to be reviewed in 6 months apparently, as punishment for their transgressions. In other words, I would imagine how they vote over the next 6 months will also be taken into account as to whether they get the whip back at the end of that time, or whether they will remain suspended. And after Jeremy Corbyn, we know Starmer is perfectly happy to keep MPs suspended for years, if not indefinitely. He didn’t even need to do this with the size of his majority, he would have won this vote anyway, he stuffed his ranks with enough loyal yes men as candidates anyway to ensure such things, but like I said before, I believe this was just as much seen as an opportunity to drive out even the tiny remnant of a left wing he still has on his benches.
The 7 Labour MPs were joined in backing the SNP amendment by the 6 independent MPs, 9 from Northern Irish Parties, the Lib Dems, the SNP, Plaid Cymru and the 4 Green MPs.
The suspended MPs have come out showing defiance and are utterly unapologetic for their actions, nor should they be, they should be proud of doing the right thing. Here’s a couple of examples.
Zarah Sultana tweeted out that:
‘I have been informed by the Chief Whip & the Labour Party leadership that the whip has been withdrawn from me for voting to scrap the two-child benefit cap, which would lift 330,000 children out of poverty. I will always stand up for the most vulnerable in our society.’
And Apsana Begum, another MP Starmer has callously targeted previously for deselection wrote:
‘I voted against the two-child benefit cap which has contributed to rising and deepening levels of child poverty and food insecurity for many East End families. I have now been informed that I have had the whip withdrawn.’
There’s another point worth making here though, and that is Labour’s get out of jail free card in all of this, their apparent child poverty taskforce being set up by Liz Kendall. When asked about this in a recent interview, Kendall could neither offer up any terms of reference for this taskforce, nor the time frame it would be reporting back in, which of course would be time kids remain in poverty anyway. It’s a nice soundbite to excuse not lifting the cap, but when a journalist chooses to dig into it, there is nothing there. It’s a gimmick to dodge answering for choosing to keep kids in poverty, nothing more.
We will see plenty more Tory policy in effect being enacted over the next few weeks, especially with the collective spinelessness being shown in the face of Kid Starver’s ruthlessness. Raids on migrants, deportations back to Bangladesh and more, stripping back trans healthcare, not taxing the rich, Starmer’s word getting broken on more and more issues, the government loyalty to Israel continuing, all the warning signs were there and now we’ll instead of getting a Labour government, we’re going to get a rerun of David Cameron and George Osborne instead.
John McDonnell possibly made the most on point comment ahead of this vote, by turning Keir Starmer’s own words on him, saying by voting for the SNP amendment, by voting to end this cruel Tory benefit cap, he was putting country before party. That is literally what these 7 Labour MPs did. That just 7 out of 411 Labour MPs did so though, is an absolute travesty, shows this new government represents no change at all and we’re in for another 5 years of misery as if the Tories had never left office.
Meanwhile, as if keeping kids hungry isn’t enough to put you off Starmer, how about him being able to control every aspect of your life with a policy move that would allow this former human rights lawyer to override your actual human rights? If you already thought he was a madman as I do for keeping kids in poverty off the back of this video and other media sources, this video recommendation ought to nail the point for certain, so consider watching it next and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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