CTC- welcomes Ben Freedman, offers restoration to the US Constitution opposing the New World Order.

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Ben is a dear friend of nearly a year, who has taken me under his wing educating me and offering guidance by way of his selfless humanitarian work as a nationalist patriotism. He is tired of the strangle hold of government suppressing 'we the people' and has an answer so hugely different to solve this problem. Censored, black balled/listed on several different FB platforms, Ben till remained diligent to his passion, cause led by is pragmatic beliefs and faith in God. What you will encounter on this segment, first of hopeful many more future interviews to come, will be a true 'eye opening' and 'mind stimulating' conversations to come. To place a bow on this, there is need for advocacy diplomats in every courtroom case to ensure that our Constitutional Rights are to be implemented in fairness to the citizen requiring it. Buckle in, this will astound and pique interest in each of us blessed to be here. Ben has a heart that is big, a soul that is righteous and I pray you will get something out of this and perhaps consider joining the Common Denominator Network as we embrace this methodology of society protection and individual benefits under justice of law.

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