Urban explorers arrested at animal testing / neuroscience labs

6 months ago

08.12.2011 - Troglodyte UE - Well what an interesting day this was. We finally got released from the Police station after 8 hours of hell. I got caught exploring some Animal testing labs / Neuroscience research facility with Skeleton Key We was down in the underground kennels when we started hearing police with dogs.
luckily I decided to start my camera rolling and captured everything on film. Refusing to turn it off and instead setting up a better angle I explained to them I was filming it for my own protection/evidence
They told us we was being arrested under suspicion of theft then it quickly switched to domestic terrorism (Animal rights activists)
Both our houses were searched Computers, hard drives etc were bagged and tagged. They even refused my right to make a phone call which I was not happy about!
After our interviews and a few more scares they let us out scott free with an apology for treating us in the way they did.

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