"The Midnight Oil Burns(Original lyric version)". by Kevin Blair

6 months ago

The Midnight Oil Burns(Original lyric version):
Here's the Words and music put together.

Out of the sea an apparition I saw
The creature whale In blood
and fire turning;

The unknowable monster I admired

Subconscious ailing vengeance
The Midnight Oil Burns:
A musical journey into whaling in its heyday. Oil from a bloodied beast at sea: It kept the lights on at night. Now it keeps the cars, trains, ships at sea, aircraft and buses running. The life substance of ancient fauna from deep in the ground is the life blood of modern machinery. Strange and amazing it is so. And we have more oil here in America than any other place on earth, ready to be lanced out of a planet raging with political and spiritual upheaval. Like a whale it will lunge and shoot out the ground in spray and greasy mist, leaving an oil slick in the war machines wake. America will rise again like never before!
-Kevin Blair

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