A double the time deal

7 months ago


These kids now have a chance.
They can continue with their unholy Charade they ache
to hard sell,
is dripping through her enfeebled fingers
palsy overtaking her brain. Still chanting with Rabid glee
Purechase my lies, Thus chant Mme Jurisprudence in
Ontario Canada.



May God Free Our lands of Palestine, please.
These fake Jews be a cancer on
Not only My Palestine Folk but also
My whole world n worshipping the god Baal all over again. Holding hands with
joe biden.
And glee dancing to murder n loss where they do know they have no business
they sin. And piss on their God. Drunk as they IZ with no wine.
I know I was there then.
All Zionism stands for is NAZI's idiot stink seems so much worse on anyone
to be One a My Really Jews. Jewish have not a thing to do with the sick state of
She, Was born originally to be the Glowing Truth of all Our God's Holy Glory but
Dripping graces like gold dripping from their noble wits.
instead today like
they worship them own ego's n tony blinkers version of
reality. And any other idol that be prepared to spit fiat pence.
We pray with all Our might not Don Trump too?
Tell Me it ain't so joe.

The State of Zionist land has not budged much, tween them ears. That I can see thus far.
Be careful where wit n truth have no welcome. Or she, She must fight tooth n nail for
a peep show o Her noble doings?

Just wonderin things is all.



Thank You so much ICJ in Brussels?
So good n refreshing for Us to see some Public Servants actually
doing her job.
In Spite of the rather low class n rude threats to deny your own
personal Integrity.
For the benefit of the success of insulting lies to any beholder.
This too makes the refresh doubled.
Plus culling the balls to say no to Our more
petulant and spoiled brat petty kings so shameful. We wil have
more to say
on the Pride in Us for the reality of your courage, humbles your King
My son.
Warms BlakeCushingRex:202

False Witness gains never nourish the same as really ones.


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