Psychonauts Ep10.5 BlackVelet part 2

7 months ago

Raz finds Edgar inside a room full of painting equipment, chained to the ground by his leg. He paints velvet paintings and attempts to paint Dr. Loboto's face, which is required for him to be set free, but every time he tries to finish a painting, he ends up painting a bullfight over it.
Raz helps him by entering his mind. Here, in the mental world of Black Velvetopia, he finds Edgar attempting to build a house of cards to reach the sun. In the sun is a woman crying rose petal tears. Edgar explains that he is trying to build the house of cards to reach her, but two things have gotten in the way of that. First, Edgar doesn't seem to have a full deck, meaning that he doesn't have enough cards to reach the woman. Second, Edgar reveals that his tower keeps getting knocked down by a large pink charging bull known as El Odio.

Raz points out that Edgar is missing his Queens, and offers to go find them. Raz is then swept into the streets of Edgar's mind by El Odio..
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