Genesis 35 Psalm 44:17-22 Proverbs 28:7 29:3 Luke 16:19-31 Holy Scripture Audio Bible Verse

6 months ago

Genesis 35 - This chapter recounts Jacob's journey to Bethel, where God reaffirms his covenant with Jacob, changes his name to Israel, and blesses him. It also records the deaths of Deborah, Rachel, and Isaac.

Psalm 44:17-22 - These verses express the psalmist's distress and feeling of being forsaken by God, despite their faithfulness and loyalty to Him. They lament their suffering and call upon God to intervene and redeem them from their enemies.

Proverbs 28:7 - This proverb condemns those who keep company with gluttons and drunkards, implying that they bring shame upon themselves and their families.

Proverbs 29:3 - This proverb describes the behavior of those who love wisdom and seek it diligently, contrasting them with those who pursue worthless pursuits, which ultimately leads to their downfall.

Luke 16:19-31 - This passage contains the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. It illustrates the stark contrast between the rich man's luxurious life on earth and Lazarus' destitution. After death, Lazarus is comforted in Abraham's bosom while the rich man suffers torment in Hades. The rich man pleads for mercy but is told that a great chasm separates them, and there is no crossing over.

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