Genesis 31 Psalm 42:1-6 Proverbs 22:14 Luke 13:31-14:14 Holy Scripture Bible Verse Audio Reading

2 months ago

Genesis 31 - This chapter narrates Jacob's departure from Laban's household, as he flees with his wives, children, and possessions. Laban pursues Jacob, but they eventually make a covenant of peace, marking the end of their conflict.

Psalm 42:1-6 - These verses express the psalmist's longing for God's presence and deliverance. The psalmist compares their thirst for God to a deer longing for water and recalls times of worship and closeness to God, even in the midst of affliction and despair.

Proverbs 22:14 - This verse describes the mouth of an adulterous woman as a deep pit, warning that those who are under the Lord's wrath will fall into it. It cautions against the allure and danger of sexual immorality.

Luke 13:31-14:14 - In this passage, Jesus encounters opposition from Pharisees who warn him about Herod's intentions. Jesus responds with confidence, continuing to preach and perform miracles. He also teaches about the kingdom of God using parables, including the parables of the mustard seed and the yeast, emphasizing the growth and expansiveness of God's kingdom. Additionally, Jesus heals a woman who had been crippled for eighteen years and discusses the importance of humility and hospitality at a Sabbath meal.

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