The West REALLY Doesn't Know CHINA

5 months ago

Video: The West REALLY Doesn't Know CHINA. An AngloSaxon walking down a park 6:30pm at night in any city in China verses a Chinese American walking down Central Park NY or any parks at night in US, where is safer 西方不了解中國,一個白人女子晚上 6:30 在中國任何一個城市的公園裡散步,與一個華裔美國人晚上在紐約中央公園或美國任何公園裡散步相比,哪裡更安全? 在美國不管你賺多少錢,早上出門,下次再見家人可能是在天國,因為美國槍枝毒品遊民泛濫,為了選票,美國政客天天推動仇中言論妖魔化美國華人,中國人和中國. 讓華人成為美國人的公敵,民調顯示90%美國人不喜歡👎美國華人,對華人沒有好感。

Is China dangerous? You are allowed to dislike China, but come to China first, travel to China then make your opinion!

What the Western Media portray is different from the actual experience here, look at how so many perspectives change when people actually come to China!

Stop listening to the western media, how dangerous is China with police, cameras, government etc and just come experience life here!




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