Genesis 30:25-43 Psalm 41:4-13 Proverbs 20:19 Matthew 19:1-2 Mark 10:1 Luke 13:10-30 Bible Reading

7 months ago

Genesis 30:25-43 - This passage describes Jacob's negotiations with Laban regarding his wages. Jacob proposes a deal to increase his own flock's size by taking specific colored and marked sheep and goats as his payment, leading to a prosperous increase in his herds.

Psalm 41:4-13 - These verses contain a prayer for deliverance and healing from illness. The psalmist expresses trust in God's mercy and protection, despite feeling betrayed and oppressed by enemies. The psalm concludes with a doxology praising God's faithfulness.

Proverbs 20:19 - This proverb advises against gossiping or revealing secrets, cautioning that one who is habitually loose-lipped is likely to betray confidences and spread strife.

Matthew 19:1-2, Mark 10:1 - These passages record Jesus' teaching on divorce. He responds to Pharisees testing him on the subject by emphasizing God's original intent for marriage, declaring that divorce was permitted due to the hardness of human hearts but was not part of the divine plan from the beginning.

Luke 13:10-30 - This passage contains several events: Jesus heals a woman who had been crippled for eighteen years on the Sabbath, provoking criticism from the synagogue leader. Jesus defends his actions, pointing out their hypocrisy. He then teaches about the kingdom of God, using parables such as the mustard seed and the narrow door, highlighting the importance of repentance and inclusion in God's kingdom.

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