Geoengineering: If They Did It, Here's How (à la O.J. Simpson)? - UK Column News

7 months ago

Geoengineering: If They Did It, Here's How (à la O.J. Simpson)?
Full news and all the source links:
- BBC (InDepth): Conspiracy theories swirl about geo-engineering, but could it help save the planet?
“If we can’t control rising global temperatures by drastically cutting carbon emissions, could something called geo-engineering be a way to cool the planet?’
- UK Research and Innovation: Area of investment and support: Modelling environmental responses to solar radiation management
- Geoengineering Monitor: Geoengineering Monitor is a joint project of Biofuelwatch and ETC Group, with support from Heinrich Boell Foundation
- The Times: Welcome to the Glastonbury for conspiracy theorists (Archived)
- GOV.UK: Prevent duty guidance: England and Wales (2023)
- GOV.UK: Statutory guidance: Glossary of terms 
- United Nations Office On Drugs And Crime: Module 1: Introduction To International Terrorism (PDF)

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