Terrorist Therapist Carole Lieberman- What Is Trump's Psychology Pre And Post Assassination?

7 months ago

Dr Carole Lieberman is an expert Psychiatrist into the minds of terrorists..She sits down in the corner for the first time to give us an inside look into the psychology of Trump pre and post assassination attempt.I myself weigh in with my own personal experiences and how it reshaped my life. Carole believes a terrorist event is looming that will upstage 9/11 before election time.

More on Dr. Lieberman:
Dr. Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H. known world-wide as America’s Psychiatrist is the host of Dr. Carole’s Couch on VoiceAmerica.com, and The Terrorist Therapist® Podcast. She is a forensic psychiatrist/expert witness, bestselling-award-winning author of 4 books - 2 on terrorism and 2 on relationships.

“While we’re distracted by Biden’s latest ‘gaffe’, Trump’s lawfare, rapes and murders by migrants, Justin Timberlake’s DWI, and never-ending stories about Taylor Swift… terrorists have been stealthily recruiting lone wolves in record numbers!

“ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban are having a resurgence, making them even more dangerous than before 9/11! They’ve been crossing our borders, building secret cells, training wannabe terrorists and plotting attacks. This is in addition to the tens of thousands of Afghans brought to you by the Surrenderer-in-Chief, President Biden - who also wants to importPalestinians in a desperate bid to win the election.

“Despite the FBI, CIA and Department of Homeland Security issuing warning after warning, America is in denial that another 9/11 is imminent!” says Carole Lieberman, M.D., M.P.H., known worldwide as The Terrorist Therapist® (www.terroristtherapist.com). She has dedicated herself to helping people cope with terrorism since 9/11 - and warning of terrorists’ long-held plans for GLOBAL jihad. “Israel and Jews are just the canary in the coal

mine. They plan to kill all of us who they consider ‘infidels’ and put any survivors under Sharia Law.”

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