Stop Feeling Drained in Social Situations : Dealing with Energy Vampires

2 months ago

Let's say you enter an amazing party, feeling good and having the time of your life. But then, a few minutes later, you want to leave ASAP because you feel drained of your energy. This feeling has many layers.

The first common layer is encountering an energy vampire. This person feeds off your energy by talking about things that induce anger, shame, apathy, and guilt, tapping into your insecurities during the conversation and draining your energy.

While avoiding them is an option, the next layer involves not allowing them to drain your energy. Not reacting to their triggers puts them off balance and prevents them from draining their energy.

However, what if you keep attracting these people into your life? This is similar to attracting toxic people repeatedly. These may be toxic friendships, relationships, etc., all carrying a similar pattern.

You do this often because of unresolved issues from your past.

You project these unresolved emotions outward, and reality reflects what you are feeling inside. A part of you craves these toxic people and environments because it feels familiar, and normally doesn't feel normal without chaos.

To stop attracting energy vampires and draining situations, you must do the inner work.

Heal from your past traumas, let go of them, and shift your inner state. Only then will it become easier to handle such situations and move to a place where you no longer attract energy vampires or situations that drain your energy?

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