Battle Bulls: The Ultimate Guide to the Fastest-Growing Telegram Bot Game promo code BOOSTER

5 months ago

Incredible results, founders! We are so close to our first major goal of 1,000,000 active players! Let's push forward!🔥

🔶Thanks to everyone for being active! Together, we will soar to the stars! ⭐️
Battle Bulls can confidently be called the FASTEST GROWING play-to-earn game!

📢 Don't forget about the promo code BOOSTER, which gives 4,000,000 game euros to EVERYONE who activates it!

Battle Bulls: The Ultimate Guide to the Fastest-Growing Telegram Bot Game

🟡Battle Bulls is in the spotlight of BITCOINIST! Yes, you read that right. They say Battle Bulls is the FASTEST-growing bot game on Telegram! 🤭 And we couldn’t agree more!

🟡In just ten days, we’ve boldly NEARED 1,000,000 active players! And we believe this is absolutely well-deserved! Right, founders?

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