X-Men 97 Season 1 Episode 5 "Remember It"

2 months ago

Unable to tell which memories belong to her and which belong to Madelyne, Jean reveals her emotional confusion to Wolverine and kisses him. He rejects her advances and tells her to talk with Cyclops, who she discovers has been communicating telepathically with Madelyne. Magneto, Rogue, and Gambit travel to Genosha, where the Genoshan council asks Magneto to lead the country; he agrees on the condition that Rogue leads with him. Rogue explains to Gambit that she had a secret relationship with Magneto when she was younger, as his abilities allow her to touch him without hurting him which she cannot do with Gambit. At a gala celebrating Genosha joining the UN, Rogue kisses Magneto and realizes that she made a mistake choosing him over Gambit. The time-traveling Cable arrives and Madelyne realizes that he is an adult Nathan. Cable is sent back to the future before he can warn everyone of what is coming: an upgraded Master Mold and army of Sentinels attack Genosha and kill thousands of mutants. Gambit sacrifices himself to destroy the Master Mold, leaving Rogue heartbroken.

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