Chase Hughes – US Government Brainwashing Expert on Trump Shooting & Human Hacking

5 months ago

We are at an all time high of not trusting the narrative our government is pushing. People are beginning to slowly wake up.

This is coming from a guy who trained Government Agencies on how to perform PSYOPS.

Chase Hughes is the US Government’s brainwashing and interrogation expert training the intelligence agencies, a neuroscientist, and the world’s #1 human behavior expert. He spent 20 years in the US military and trains intelligence agents and companies on human hacking, influence, persuasion, interrogation, and negotiation.

He even says things are just getting “weird.” He this is “Bizarre.”

“This is like an episode of 24.”

We can blame all this sh*t on Sigmund Freud’s cousin, Edward Bernay.

Edward Bernays (1891-1995) is considered a pioneer in the fields of public relations and propaganda, and is sometimes called the "father of public relations". Bernays was the nephew of Sigmund Freud, and used his uncle's ideas about people's unconscious motivations in his work.

The Government uses Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid to influence.

Needs lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied before individuals can attend to needs higher up.

From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are: **NOTE: They invert these needs – so the more we feel these needs are met, the more we are being deceived.

1. Physiological – food, water, shelter – they will offer this when they make sh*t unbearable.

2. Safety and Security – once they use the media as their tool of propaganda they and cause FEAR, they come in with a solution like a healthy jab to make you feel safe and secure.

3. Love and Belonging - they make you feel loved and like you belong in this world (when they are really just getting you to participate in your own demise) I.E – incentivize the medical field to follow the protocol and tell them and everyone else how effective the protocol is.

4. Esteem and Self-Actualization – use our fake education system to “educate” and install confidence that this is the only truth out there. If they can create fake leaders who are overconfident and believe in the lies themselves and install them in high positions all throughout the government – that is how America is destroyed without a single bullet. All from within.

The Gov understands the loopholes in the human brain.

The Milgram experiment proved that people will likely follow orders, even harmful ones, when instructed by an accepted authority figure.

Example – the entire idiotic American Healthcare System. The imbeciles followed Fauci, who they believed to be an “Expert” but for those awake it was so incredibly painful to see the sheep being led over the cliff.

“How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again! Mark Twain

It is easier to Con a Man than convince him he has been Conned.” Mark Twain

Here is a summary of the topic discussed in this video.

Chase can really help people wake up as he kind of exposes some of the psychological tactics the communists and fascists use, which is who we are under attack by, right now at this very moment.


What Really Happened At The Trump Assassination Attempt? 6:28 -

The Weird Crowd Behavior At The Rally Explained 11:39

What Does a Government Brainwashing Expert Actually Do? 14:12

Trump vs. Biden: What Brainwashing Tactics Are They Using? 20:30

How To Make Someone Do Anything 26:17

The #1 Tool To Control People (& Why) 35:19

How To (Un)intentionally Brainwash Yourself 39:58

The #1 Key To Unshakable Confidence 48:35

The #1 Confidence Killer: How To Always Be The Most Comfortable In The Room 58:15

How To Stop Caring What Other People Think 1:04:56

How To Be Treated Differently By Others 1:14:16

How To Brainwash Yourself For Success & Behavior Change 1:26:47

How To Become a Leader Worth Following 1:39:11

How To Spot A Liar 1:50:28

How To Stop Being Awkward Or Shy

Source: Leon Hendrix --


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END. 7/25/2024 – 6:00 PM

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