Sharing Trump’s 11th Home Creaming Pt 3

2 months ago

A Prophetic Message For Donald Trump | Perry Stone

"The more humble a man is before God, the more he will be exalted, the more humble he is before man, the more he will get rode roughshod." - Josh Billings

On Wednesday, June 12, 2019, 11:55:26 AM EDT, <> wrote:

Dearest Sunflower,

Janie practically fell on the floor when she got one of those mysterious messages from your Powerful Friends (Anonymous). She said it had been so long, that she thought they had stopped communicating, but then, while she was sitting at her computer, the message appeared on her screen and she rushed to write it down before it disappeared from her screen. I have copied and pasted from her e-mail to me to keep it shorter and not overload your inbox. Love you forever and ever, Marie
Sister Sunflower, we hope your spirit remains strong and that your drive to spread the truth remains undiminished. We have seen the level of attacks that you have been suffering at the hands of the ZWF. We cannot intervene and must remain neutral even as we denounce the tactics used by the Zionists and their wealthy leader against you.
We cannot advise you directly on your fight against this evil, but we can try to light a path that is worth following. You must keep fighting this scourge and use the creaming strategy anew. It is clear in your writings that you would prefer to draw back from new attack creaming videos, but you may have to do some things that you would have preferred to leave behind.
We cannot give you specifics, we can only encourage you to explore new creaming events that will cripple the ZWF's very successful attack strategy. It is clear that these Zionists have eroded your massive global support network by almost one-third. This can only be countered by completely new events that only you can perform and that are completely unknown to the ZWF and their Israeli sponsor.
Sister Sunflower, it is clear to us that you greatly suffer in doing these events, but through your suffering and humiliation, the truth can be sown and grow around the globe. You should not expect direct governmental results from your new events and efforts, but you can expect your tree of global supporters to grow back from the limbs that the ZWF has severed with their disgusting tactics.
Fight on, Sister Sunflower, and keep that spirit of peace in your soul even as you do battle with Zionist evil


Netanyahu has requested a meeting with Trump

The DANGER is if the meeting is private Satanyahu will say Trump has agreed to the G....... and so and so forth just like what he did in regards to the Annexation of the West Bank. He wanted to announce it but Jared Kushner and David Freemen stopped him in time because they said that Trump had not confirmed it.

Netanyahu confident Trump will okay West Bank annexation in ‘couple of months’

Trump did not agree to the annexation instead he was very furious and demanded Jared Kushner and David Freemen to come out with an alternate plan and this was how the Abraham Accord came about.


“Blank Check” for Genocide: Court Dismisses Palestinians’ Case Against Biden Admin over Gaza War

The U.S. government has been in on it and committed to it the entire time

Rejected the case? Hiding behind the letter of the law to completely violate its essence. No words for how vile this is.

Netanyahu In US As Biden Drops Out, Easier To Push Through Pro-Israel Gaza Ceasefire Deal?

Only evil people listen to evil address


“The IMF is trying to destroy Lebanon before it can stop the Israeli war on Gaza,” interview with Ibrahim Darwish

What is needed today is clear in terms of stopping the inhumane aggression against the Gaza Strip. Today, the oppressed people of Palestine are trying to lift a decades-old injustice and resistance, based on their history, morality and humanity.

The Lebanese resistance, Hezbollah, from the standpoint of national security, rushed to the support of the Israel war on Gaza, beginning on October 8. The Al-Aqsa Flood operation of October 7 was a result of a heinous blockade, starvation, oppression, and slow killing, which is being committed against an entire people, under the banner of the support of the international community.




You like me or you hate me
Still, you have to accept me for who I am.
I will not change because you like me
For I don’t see,
Why should I change, just for you?
I am Love, I live to be Happy,
I want my Freedom and I‘m happy for who I am.
I’m a gift of God because I’m His child.
This is a Fake society; I see no reason to change,
So why should I change, just for you?
I’m not a FAKE but a girl with true Faith
I believe in myself, confident as I am,
Determined to strive for my Dreams & Aspirations of freeing humanity,
I know deep in my heart one day you all will accept me for who I am,
So why should I change, just for you?

- I will not change I’m Sunflower Chong Sun Wah – Sunflower Chong 8 May 1983



Flower of the Sun
Spreading love through her fun
People are her spirit for living
She is born with the desire of giving
What might be other qualities?
She believes they are her friends with beauty
She sees no reason
Why to be with them she can’t?
If people are a bad influence
She is not afraid and it does not bother her
Cause she believes strongly
She will be a great influence on them
Poor they might be
She is ready to help immediately
With kinds and money
If it’s the first necessity
Rich, they might be
She will never lose her identity
Cause she knows her true quality
And NO ONE can change her personality
Stupid they might be
She is not ashamed to be seen in their company
Instead of helping them learn and improve
Will be her immediate duty
Intelligent they might be
She is happy to be their friends
To learn more from them
Will be her opportunity and chance
Bad they might be
She is not afraid of them
Instead, she will use herself
As a mirror to reflect them
Good they might be
Fortunate and happy she is
To be spending time with them
Eventually, she hopes to be their true friend
Evil they might be
Yet she condemns and judges not
Their immediate actions readily
Instead, she will try to understand them better
She still strongly believes
Whoever she is with
They should judge her
And this will make her very happy

- Time will help them to understand Flower of the Sun – Sunflower Chong 7 July 1983



What’s a pretty face?
If she has no feelings and grace

Her impressive attire is not a sign of wealth acquired,
But only proved her tastes inspired

Her cheerful laughter is like a tag
To hide from this world of unfairness act

Sadness is often shown on her bright face
“Cause her family and friends had misunderstood her place

Being human,
Anger, she gathers instead

Her gut, confidence, and determination
Make her look proud when she is in action

There are still tears and fear
Cause doubts about people still appeared

Her deep love for humanity
Help her to understand life and man

Gradually the pain is released with time
And she saw a new hope that shines

Why human is not thoughtful and deep
Who can see through her heart of good deeds?

Trying to reach the impossible
To her is only in the eyes of the unreachable

To give love to all is her only way of thanking God.
Alone after a cause, at times she felt lost :(

Goodness is fine to realize if only our society is kind
Will they believe in her to help realize her dreams for humanity?

Reaching the road to everlasting love and happiness
She needs the encouragement of her family and friends

Understanding & knowledge she seeks to be stronger and wiser indeed
Will time be able to help them to value and appreciate her then?

- Will it be a dream of one’s infinity? - Sunflower Chong 18 March 1984



I’m very disturbed and unhappy
For what I had been doing lately

Writing poems of ‘searching the truth’
Am I ‘soul-searching’ too?

I could not understand my sudden changes
I do not know how and why it came.

Proud of my work
Can it be God’s work?

Should I keep searching further?
Until I find the answer

A Book I never read, a Pen I never hold
Why am I writing endlessly about our existence and human values continuously?

I’m having trouble emotionally
Within myself daily

Still, I could not control this urgent force
That has pushed out all my thoughts

When I write, I know not
What I want to write or what I had written

Only after reading
I understand its true meaning

Am I really sane?
I questioned myself once again

I had lost track of days and nights
Except for a pen I hold dearly throughout the night

Oh God! Please help me,
To make me understand what is happening to me :(

Am I Sunflower or I’m abnormal?
I wish I knew, I’m lost and alone!

The need to fulfill my duty
Has taken a toll on me

The more I try to stop
The more the need to write on

Is it my fate for me to be great?
Oh God, why me, when I try so hard to be ordinary?

‘The Voice’ I heard in my dream
Is it God's echo?

To carry His spirit and messages
To spread love and happiness

- I’m more confused than ever :( – Sunflower Chong 20 January 1984


Sunflower's Aspiration

Sunflower Chong Sun Wah Calling

“To bring the World in Oneness. World Harmony Day was born on 20th February 2002– The essence and spirit of World Harmony Day is to reconnect with God Almighty.”

We must come together as One United Family for a Worldwide Spiritual Movement on World Harmony Day 20th February 2021 to claim back our beloved World from the Evil ZIOPIGS!! We must not give them the right to create any more MAYHEM in their effort to destroy any opportunity for peace because the World belongs to ALL of us.
I HAD A DREAM (when I was a child and low and behold the ZIOPIGS deleted it.)
In the dream, I took a knife and pierced it into my stomach but I could not see whether I was dead or alive I heard a soft whisper that said one day the people will listen to my voice.
What did the Fortune Tellers say? (I was influenced by my mother and what my teacher had told us about our date of birth.)

The one in Hong Kong – Chu Pak (in 1984)

1) He told me I will receive …. from a country.

2) He said that the 1st and 2nd husbands I either run away from them or they will run away from me. It ends up I run away from them. He told me the 3rd husband was the real husband……He will loves me very much and vice versa, I don’t need to look for him he will come to me….

3) He told me to be careful in my mid 60’s and if I can pass through 66 years old I can live till 88 plus...

4) He reminded me if I wanted my dream to be a reality I must remain PURE for humanity.


The one in Singapore - Prof Bennett (in 1988)

1) Don’t fight it instead embrace it because it’s your Calling. You need to keep on walking and as you walk you will see clearer and clearer. God will show you the way to reach your goal. And I remembered vividly this was what my teacher had told us that God will show us the way when we surrender to Him.
2) I told Prof Bennett I am an ordinary person why would the people listen to me? He said that everybody can write but not many can write from their heart. Therefore, people will listen to me because they can feel my soul and know that I am honest and sincere and just want the best for the people.
On 20th January 2021, I will be 66 years old. Mossad and CIA's 3rd regional office is in Singapore and 2017 Slut Miriam Adelson send a gang of Israeli bitches to Singapore to attack me, will they come for me in 2021? Now I don’t have any voice on the internet except through emails.
If anything happens to me just remember this silly girl who believes she can bring the World to Oneness with a stork of sunflower. So now you know why I am supporting Donald J Trump because this great special man will deliver this gift of peace and harmony and love for all humanity and all I need is to convince the Americans that they have a jewel in their hand please treasure him and help him to make it happen for the world.
Trump’s natal Moon is located at 22 degrees of Sagittarius and the astrological symbol of “a Chinese laundry.” Trump is trying to clean up and balance relations with China. This is not in line with the cabal’s plans.
May Almighty God bless America and the World always!!!!!!!

Love, light, peace, harmony, and unity,

Sunflower Chong Sun Wah

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