The Evil Axis Bond: Opposition to the Free World and US, Plus Mutual Benefits

3 months ago

07/22/2024 U.S. Army Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster on the Russia-Communist China-Iran-North Korea Axis of Evil: The bond between the Axis of Evil is not only opposition to the free world and the United States, but more importantly, the exchange of benefits. The common goal of them is to push the United States out of critical regions as the first step to achieving dominance in those regions.
#AxisofEvil #EnergyDependence #SanctionAvoidance #MilitaryCooperation #Anti-American Strategy #exchangeofbenefits #HRMcMaster
07/22/2024 美国陆军中将H·R·麦克马斯特谈俄罗斯-中共国-伊朗-朝鲜邪恶轴心:联系邪恶轴心之间的纽带不仅是对自由世界和美国的反对,更重要的是利益交换。邪恶轴心国的共同目标是将美国从关键地区赶出去,这是他们想要在这些地区实现霸权的第一步。
#邪恶轴心 #能源依赖 #规避制裁 #军事合作 #反美战略 #利益交换 #H·R·麦克马斯特

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