Ptah Shakur speaks 7/22/24

6 months ago

Grand Rising, Join Ascended Master Ptah Shakur on his weekly live call in show dedicated towards informing the masses with impertinent info concerning the current cosmic shift into the 5D.

This episode Ptah Shakur educates the masses of the importance of the pineal gland and how activation of it can bring ease and clarity into ones lives.

Ptah Shakur details the 4 environmental factors that inhibit access to your "Third Eye. Over abundance of Wi-fi, aluminum , fluoride and the active ingredient in Round Up pesticides have been shown to over calcify this gland, denying those access into the spirit realm.

Ptah also demonstrated a breathing method to enhance connection with higher realms.

Ptah Shakur aims to share crucial info about the changes that are affecting humanity as we transition into our crystalline bodies due to the cosmic changes, foretold in Revelation.

Have you ever felt different as if you were undergoing a profound transformation that you can't explain?
What if I told you that you might be making the transition to a crystalline body ,a spiritual phenomenon that is changing the lives of many people around the world.

In this series we'll explore the telltale signs that your body is evolving into a crystalline structure. I'll explain how these changes can impact your energy, health and even your spiritual capacities.

From physical Sensations to emotional changes we'll uncover every detail of this fascinating transformation.

What is happening now on the planet is a great energy shift where the Earth is leaving its denser State and moving into a more subtle state in terms of vibration. This dimension shift isn't a physical place but states of Consciousness that vibrate in a certain frequency range. Each Dimension vibrates according to specific laws and frequencies.
Planet Earth vibrates in a dimension called the third dimension .The third dimension is a very dense dimension and is characterized by experiences of selfishness, separation, competition and duality. With this change in energy what is happening is an increase in the frequency of the planet's grid so that we can reach the so-called Fifth Dimension. The fifth dimension is a dimension that vibrates much faster than the third, and is
characterized by experiences of love, compassion, unity and the law of Brotherhood.

In the 5th dimensional State of Consciousness the new Earth will be built as our planet and Collective Consciousness shift from a 3D reality to a 5D reality. A dramatic transformation is required for those chosen to lead this transition from a carbon-based body to a crystalline based body. Our current 3 dimensional bodies are suited to the density and vibrations of the 3D realm and can no longer support the high frequencies.

As the Earth's vibration intensifies there are abrupt changes taking place within you and you may not even be aware of it yet. Your traditionally carbon body is undergoing a transformation towards a new form which is lighter, more agile and has expanded capabilities.

The crystalline body is designed to retain and channel more light, increasing our vibrational energy and connecting us more deeply to the universe. The symptoms of this change are diverse some days you may may feel intense tiredness or inexplicable sadness or you may experience deep questioning about your life choices. These are not just challenges, they are clear signs that your body is adjusting and you are synchronizing with the energies essential for our evolution on the new Earth.

In previous episodes, Ptah Shakur shared the 12 Laws and principles of creation as well as the true origins of Easter and how they relate to an ancient ritual of the goddess Ishtar.

Ptah also shares upcoming events mankind will experience as we venture further into the cosmic Christ conscious energies inundating our planet, allowing humanity to experience the New Heaven/ New Earth written in Revelations.

Ptah also answered a few questions emailed to in his Ptah's mailbag segment.

Ptah Shakur is a life coach/researcher/ spiritual guide and channel ,providing education and inspiration for those looking towards self improvement.

Ptah Shakur provides insight into withheld scientific discoveries, government "conspiracy facts", mediation and overall enhancement of life through knowledge , wisdom and understanding.

Ptah Shakur serves as a guide towards spiritual ascension, and explains how we can use the Laws and Principles and other little known/ withheld spiritual writings to better our lives.

Please like, subscribe and share to those you love, so it can reach those willing to assist humanity in this incoming Golden Age. All questions can be sent to or Ptah Shakur on Facebook, ptahshakur1111 on Instagram and soon to be on Rumble and Patreon. Love and Light to you all.

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