Mark Sowersby | A Journey of Forgiveness, Growing Strong, & Overcoming Childhood Sexual Molestation

7 months ago

“The language of an abuser is lying. “ ~ Mark Sowersby

Overview: Many people go through trials, or like Mark, “nightmares”. There is a process we can go through to find hope, redemption, peace, and grace in our lives. Overcoming Childhood Sexual Molestation and other horrific traumas, hurts, and wounds is possible. See how Mark did it, and you can too!

Guest Bio: Pastor. Husband. Father. Reverend Mark Sowersby has been married to his wonderful wife Jennifer for 19 years and is the father of four children. Mark has been an ordained minister with Assembly of God for over 25 years and is currently the Pastor of Calvary Community Church in Dudley, MA. Pastor Mark holds a BA in theology from Zion Bible College/Northpoint Bible College. Pastor Mark went through a time of great healing. He began speaking about the experiences of his past and God’s grace and the transformational work of forgiveness in his life. He now speaks about his story through his ministry, Forgiving The Nightmare. When he isn’t serving his congregation and his community through ministry, teaching, and support, you can find him on all the trails and lakes in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Upstate New York, spending time with his family.

Mark’s Book, Forgiving the Nightmare:


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