7 months ago

This section doesn't really really matter on Rumble, but in case you are different from the rest,, please do follow along.

Hiya Folks whose notifications have been automatically been turned off by others, here is your chance to re-set them to your settings before we start. So that's the first thing you should do, but won't because you will click play first.
And That's OOOKaaay!
This is what could have been avoided if Italy had good TV long ago. I have some doubts about it's improvement, but here we are 2000 years later and on the cusp of the 50th Anniversary (get your noise makers out now!) of Nixon's resignation 50 years ago.
What we have here tonight, in case you are interested, is what is called the Be-Bop Tango. It was a dance originally. Maybe even aboriginally, but I am not a sociologist like people in the news the days.
But you don't need to be a sociologist right now to see that some people are trying to kill anyone with populist swaying exertion and reasoning and peace.
Before I delve further and loose this channel for the fear of Censorship and having to bite my tongue into a future stir fry setting, just allow me me to ask you all this question: Does this Tango appear in any shape or way to the crystal clear objectives of scumbags that are ultimately aimed at you in the long run?
And not only that. But can you see it being perpetrated towards the Patsies as well.
Can you see where this is going yet?
Scumbaggery is not only Cyclical. It is Perpetual.

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