Event 201 - A Lunatic's Fringe - Watching A Slow Motion Genocide - Flash Before Our Eyes

7 months ago

Today we're going to talk about inspiration and how it sometimes comes at the oddest of times. Because while I was in Vegas last week, I was inspired to make the video below. It happened while I was gambling with some friends. I happened to stare across the casino floor and there was this dude, all masked up. Now the kicker was, this guy wasn't actually wearing a mask over his face, nope. It was under his chin. He wasn't smoking, or drinking, or eating. Just gambling with his mask on his chin, mouth and nose fully exposed.

And I thought:

"That is one crazy motherfuker."

Now it would have been epic if as I was thinking that about that crazy mother fuker the song "Lunatic Fringe" started playing in the casino. Like something out of the movies lol. But I'd be fibbing; the song Lunatic Fringe did kick in later that evening. I did think about that crazy motherfuker, under the spell of The THEY. I felt bad for that crazy lunatic. Because while it's sometimes funny to poke fun at them - they are in a prison. Self-made or otherwise they are ALL the antithesis of "free-willed".

And that sucks, because watching the lunatics out there ramble about is like watching a slow motion genocide, flash before our very eyes.

I was in Vegas for over 7 days. Like I posted a few days ago, if you want to know how well the "war is going". Get out there, go to church, go to an airport, go to the mall. Look how many mask wearing, media loving, Starbucks Drinking fools out there, glued to their phones, virtue signaling over Ukraine, and only just now considering there might be something up with the vaccines. I had a lot of inspiration, so I spent a few hours yesterday whipping up this little clip.

Wake up, people. Masks don't work, vaccines don't work, elections only expose fraud, and our government doesn't work. It all needs to come crashing down around us. So we can deal with the criminals and build something better than this bullshit for ourselves and more importantly, our children.

Watch all of it or skip to the end if you haven't seen Ron Johnson. Then wake up, wake someone else up, then kindly resist this shit...

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