Meet The Author- Hubble, Humason and the Big Bang - Ron Voller

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Ron Voller is the author of The Muleskinner and the Stars (Springer 2015), and Hubble, Humason and the Big Bang (Springer Praxis 2021).

He has contributed articles to Astronomy Magazine, chronicling the extraordinary life of the astronomer Milton Humason, a tribute to the 100-inch Hooker telescope at Mount Wilson - the telescope that led us beyond the depths of our home galaxy - in its centennial year, and the history of the development of the Ritchey-Chrétien telescope design - that has helped lead us into the farthest depths of space.

A native of Chicago, Mr. Voller earned undergraduate degrees in music and literature from the University of Denver before moving to New York City in 1999. He is currently seeking a master's degree in interdisciplinary studies at Johns Hopkins University's Krieger School of Arts and Sciences.

In addition to these activities, Mr. Voller has enjoyed speaking with astronomy groups, mentoring young people in developing their outlooks on life and creative pursuits, and consulting with other writers on the subject of story: structure and strategy. He is also currently working as a producer on the development of several documentary projects. He is an advocate for equality and human rights, and works in this capacity as an advisor to the board of a public charity working to empower young women and men in East Africa.


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