Wm. Malcolm 6X Long Scope with Parallax Adjustment!

7 months ago

Hello all and welcome back to the range.
On today's agenda is a tasteful update to the classic 6X Long scope.

The most notable change, and the one that I'm personally most excited about, is the addition of parallax adjustment. From 10 yards to infinity, you'll have the target in sharp focus and the parallax negated.
Beyond that, this scope has the potential for a 10X eyepiece. The new optical path, in conjunction with the parallax adjustment, allows this scope to swap eyepieces for higher magnification. (The 10X eyepiece isn't shown in this video)

Parallax adjustment is surprisingly crucial for externally-adjusting scopes. Due to the fact that you're moving the actual scope when adjustments are made, your head will also have to move to keep alignment with the eyepiece. This increases the chance of a shift in parallax.

Let's dive into the shooting:

00:00 Introduction

The 6X Long Scope is mounted on a Pedersoli 1874 Sharps for today's shooting. I'll start with some old brass that needs a little fireforming, just to get the rifle on paper.

03:12 First Rounds

These shots weren't even worth showing. This rifle is a little touchy about what you feed it, but at least it let us get on paper and then hit some bowling pins.

05:30 Better Ammo

IMR 4451 and 415 gr bullets make this out to be a 3 MOA rifle. We've had better ammo in the past, but it's sufficient for our goals today.

Also, it's time for another bowling pin.

08:26 650 Yards

We didn't have the ballistic data for the round, so this turned into a 3 shot guessing game. One shot landed at about 600 yards, the next at about 680. 650 isn't exactly in the middle of those, but the bullet slows down more as it travels farther. I split the difference and ended up right where I needed to be.

Once we drum up another accurate load, this rifle will be nice and ready for some BPCR competition shooting (or at least better groups on paper).

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