Onision Makes Fun of Idiot Drama YouTubers

7 months ago

Onision did a 30~ part video series making fun of idiot viewers and brain dead drama YouTubers who think everything that validates their bias online is real. Video after video Onision faked meltdowns (just as he had done in countless videos in prior years for own entertainment) and video after video, the insanely f*cking stupid social media influencers said things like "Wow, he's really lost it!" because again, THEY ARE F***ING MORONS. Onision was literally LAUGHING AT YOU and you ate it up.

Since the very origin of "Onision", he has been trolling his audiences with dramatic acting for the sake of his own amusement. These insanely f*cking stupid drama YouTubers would watch these, and repackage them as if they were real, even reporters would use screenshots from the OBVIOUSLY FAKE VIDEOS and present them as if they were real - because again, all you need to be a "reporter" is have internet access - These people did exactly what Onision thought they would do - considering they do ZERO fact checking, utilize NO common sense and have next to NO functional skills in detecting when people are acting vs when something they are viewing is legitimate.

Onision repeatedly made fun of the people watching his videos by pushing the limits of what behavior they would believe is real - to Onision's disappointment, there was no limit - he made the videos dumber and dumber, and the jackasses still didn't understand he was making fun of them - you people would believe any ridiculous behavior was real if it validated your prejudices about those you don't like. HENCE WHY PEOPLE VOTE THE WAY THEY DO IN ELECTIONS. It. Is. Nuts.

To the people who were intelligent enough to detect Onision's obvious trolling, god f*cking bless you. Please reproduce.

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