Justice Cheatalo resigns Energy Vlog

6 months ago

Justice Cheatalo resigns Energy Vlog title is from the date July 23, 2024 thus 38 which adds up to 11 The Justice card let it be fair balanced honest. Kimberly Cheatalo is form Jules In the Litter Box reading of Kimberly resignation a small victory for Justice.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News showed us an amplitude power of 17 at 10:15 AM UTC thus we have the Tower collapse under the Star of hope shows us clearly while the tower falls we are vulnerable but we have agreat hope taht we can build it back better than before. The quality power is Eight the strength card telolign us to be strong and brave to face the deep state.

The frequency average is 7.93 hertz Thus #19 the Sun card bringing light and warmth to earth and us. it is abundance it is life itself. Therefore we can say: Justice comes swiftly now we hope and see clearly with strength and bravery as The Sun shines down brightly upon the dark ones so they may be removed from our world.

We pulled a card form the Spirit Animal Oracle deck . it is the Butterfly card, With transformation; Spirituality; Vulnerability we go through lifecycles Renewal And release as we ascend to the New Earth platform the divine has for us. The shadow side of the card is being flighty; ungrounded; Erratic and impermanent.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather site:
In The Litterbox with Jules Kimberly Cheatall 's reassignation transcript:

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