The Testimony Of Andre Rocke - An All Or Nothing Lifestyle

8 months ago

Hello everyone and welcome to the Tough Love series. My name is Eric Rolon. I recently had the privilege of speaking with Mr. Andre Rocke of Four K Videos as he shared with me the testimony of his conversion to Christianity and the twists and turns that his life has taken him on: from drug addiction and a party lifestyle, to a loss of complete financial stability, and so much more.

Revelation 12:10-12 speaks of how the Devil is conquered by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of the saints’ testimony. Likewise Matthew 5:16 tells us to let our light shine before men that they may see our good deeds and praise our father who in heaven.

Our light is the testimony of our lives. It shows all who observe and interact with us that it is Jesus Christ who resides within our hearts.

To those who are going through or have gone through similar situations and events, it provides them with hope - hope that things can get better, relationships can healed or reestablished, anxieties and pain can be taken away, and faith can be restored.

Often times the words of a person’s testimony are just as powerful as the scriptures themselves. So buckle up and be encouraged by the testimony of Andre Rocke.

As always the gauntlet of the Berean Challenge has been thrown at your feet. Born from Acts 17:11, the Berean Challenge dictates to you to not simply trust a word I or my guests say, but to examine the scriptures yourselves to see if the things you've been told are so. Now buckle up and enjoy!

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