Why Healing Isn't Working For You.

6 months ago

What is your vision for healing? When you sit back and feel into what it is you want to heal in your life, what is the vision of the healed version? Most people are vague about what they want OR they are too specific in physical terms, both approaches block healing from happening.

The most important thing to know about healing is that you are restoring balance. So it’s your job to *choose* to see where you’re out of balance. The truth is always there, we just choose not to see it, because it often means we’re going to have to ‘do life’ differently. Which means we have to initiate change, which takes considerable effort, especially when we’re surrounded by people we don’t think will understand our efforts.

Episode 46 helps you get more comfortable seeing your role in how you became unbalanced and how to see the truth of what you need to do about restoring balance within you. Healing is a journey, it’s not a destination. Every time you take one step you learn about the next step, when you take action on that step, then the next step is revealed. This is how humans were created to exist, heal and explore your potential.

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