Learning to Live and Not to Die | Open Book | Jul 23, 2024 | CR

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Crystal Rivers | Open Book | Jul 23, 2024
Start by cultivating a heart of gratitude, recognizing the inheritance you have as part of the family of believers. Acknowledge the mercy that qualifies you to share in this divine inheritance. Embrace the life-transforming power of the Holy Spirit, who dwells within you. Understand that this Spirit is a source of eternal life, springing up within you like a fountain, offering endless vitality and strength.

Engage in regular, fervent prayer, allowing the Spirit to flow through you, bringing healing and wholeness to every part of your being. Remember, spiritual warfare is real, and it is crucial to fight according to divine principles. Instead of focusing on the enemy's attacks, focus on the life and power given to you through the resurrection of Christ. This power within you is more than enough to overcome any form of darkness or death.

Daily affirm your identity in Christ. You are dead to sin and alive to God. Let this truth permeate your mind and spirit, declaring it boldly in prayer. Use the scriptures as your foundation, meditating on them and speaking them over your life. This practice will build spiritual resilience and immunity against any attacks on your health, mind, or spirit.

When you take communion, do so with intentionality, recognizing it as a powerful act of internalizing the life of Christ. Through the bread and the wine, you participate in His death and resurrection, reinforcing the victory over sin and death that you now possess.

In your spiritual journey, be persistent and intentional. Continually seek to understand and live out the life that Jesus has given you. By doing so, you will experience the fullness of divine life, marked by health, joy, and spiritual power. This is not a passive inheritance; it requires active participation and dedication. Give yourself wholly to these truths, and your progress will be evident to all.

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