5 months ago

Mullein, scientifically known as Verbascum thapsus. Other names, Torches, Candlewick plant, Witch's candle, Velvet plant, Gordolobo, and more. This is a versatile plant that has been used for various purposes for thousands of years. In ancient times, the dried stalks of the mullein plant were dipped in tallow or beeswax to create torches.
Its leaves, flowers, and roots are utilized in different forms such as teas, infused oils, balms, and salves.

#Mullein is used in health. It can provide relief for respiratory conditions, earaches, and skin issues when used in teas, infused oils, balms, or salves.

Mullein is a biennial plant, meaning it completes its life cycle in two years.
The best time to harvest mullein leaves is during the second year when the plant sends up a flower stalk and an abundance of leaves. If using mullein leaves for tea, they have small hairs that may cause irritation; use of a fine filter is recommended.
Mullein flowers are typically harvested during the summer when the plant is blooming.
Mullein roots are traditionally harvested from plants before they flower. if you don't have access to first-year plants and a flowering plant is your only option, you can still harvest the root .

When harvesting mullein, it's important to select specimens from clean, unpolluted areas and ensure that the plant parts are free of insects and dirt.

A Natural health tip

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