The 'TikTok Dr'

7 months ago


Episode 10 - The 'TikTok Doctor'

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Alex Mitchell & myself sit down to analyse Dr Michael's recent podcast. A man who claims to be "the sworn enemy of medical misinformation" who often goes after other influencers, for what he considers 'dangerous' content.

But Dr Michael was a huge advocate and active promoter of the Covid-19 Vaccines...

Is Dr Michael's credibility still intact - Or is his medical judgement and attack on 'misinformation' laughable at this point?

Relevant Links:

Dr John Campbell - Myocarditis Paper:

Autopsy Findings in Cases of Fatal COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis:

Talk TV Interview - Dr Aseem Malhotra C19 Vaccinations and Myocarditis: ⁠

Excess Mortality Across Countries in the Western World Since the COVID-19 pandemic:

Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post–COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis:

David Wiseman, PhD - The CDC Data and the Cancer Deaths of Young Americans on the Rise:

Dr Zoe Harcombe PhD - JVCI Conflict of Interest:

Is mRNA Connected to Sudden Deaths & Cancers - With Dr Drew & Dr Matis: ⁠

Top Cancer Centre is Closed - With Dr Makis: ⁠

Cancer After Vaccines - With Dr Campbell & Dr Dalgleish: ⁠

Dr Dean Patterson, Consultant Cardiologist May 2024: ⁠

Review of Updated Advice on C19 Vaccinations in Pregnancy: ⁠

John Campbell - C19 Vaccine Injured Interview: ⁠

C19 Research Whistle Blower - Brook Jackson: ⁠

Disclaimer: Myself and Alex Mitchell would like to add that this video is about our own personal opinions and experiences - We are NOT medically trained, nor do we profess to be and this video is for entertainment purposes ONLY.

*If feeling very unwell, for whatever reason, please seek professional medical care as your first point of contact*

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