Daddy Worked on the Space Shuttles | Country Song | Bear Cave Songs

7 months ago

This One's close to home, My Daddy Worked on the Space Shuttles! A Country Song By Bear Cave Songs

Daddy wore that jacket, patches on his knees,
Worked the graveyard shift, over at Kennedy.
He'd come home with metal flakes, shimmerin' in the light,
Hands rough and calloused, but his eyes were always bright.

He'd talk about those launches, like they were sacred rites,
Standing in the shadows, beneath those blinding lights.
Said he saw the future in each tile sealed wing,
Dreams and aspirations, that he helped to bring.

My daddy worked on the space shuttles, cleaning up the parts,
Sending his fingerprints straight to the stars.
In the quiet of the night, with a toolbox by his side,
He put his soul into the metal, made those shuttles fly.

Mama packed his lunchbox with love and simple fare,
An unsung hero, stayed at home sending prayer.
We'd watch those rocket trails, paintin' the sky so blue,
Daddy's work n pride, making those dreams come true.

He'd point out constellations, under a blanket made of sky,
Told us stories 'bout jobs, through his workin' eye.
Said every bolt and rivet was sealed with southern pride,
A piece of his America, flying far and wide.

My daddy worked on the space shuttles, cleaning up the parts,
Sending his fingerprints straight to the stars.
In the quiet of the night, with a toolbox by his side,
He put his soul into the metal, made those shuttles fly.
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