Sermon from July 21, 2024 - "The End Game"

2 months ago

Sermons by Pastor David Whitney, Senior Instructor of Institute on the Constitution and pastor of Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church in Arnold, MD.

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SUNDAY July 21, 2024

Order of Worship

Theme: Despite the trouble and war to come on the kingdom of Judah, God would preserve a remnant who would ultimately triumph over all their enemies.

Welcome & Call to Worship
“Praise My Soul the King of Heaven” #1
“Great is Thy Faithfulness” #139
Prayer & Children’s Lesson
  “Blessed Is The Man” pg1 Hymns and Songs
  “We Are Marching to Zion” #416
Offering - “Pass Me Not” #489
Responsive Reading - #785 Life Everlasting
Congregational Prayer
Hearing God’s Word
“The End Game”- Pastor Whitney
Responding to God’s Word
“Onward Christian Soldiers” #731
Benediction and Postlude

“The End Game”
30th In our series the Prophet Micah

I. The Remnant of the Lord - Micah 5:7
* A. Remnant of Jacob, not of Judah
* 1. Of Judah there would be a remnant return to rebuild the temple and Jerusalem under Ezra & Nehemiah
* 2. But there is a larger fulfillment in a remnant composed of all who are in Christ
* a. The Israel of God - Romans 9:6-8
* b. Remnant according to Grace - Romans 11:1, 5
* B. The Dispersion of the Remnant across the face of the earth
* 1. After the war with Assyria Israel (northern kingdom) dispersed throughout that empire 
* 2. After the conquest by Babylon, Judah (southern kingdom) dispersed into that empire
* a. Even though a remnant return to Judah the majority of exiles remained in the Babylon
* b. The great dispersion was 70 A.D. into the Roman empire
* c. The dispersion of the Israel of God - Acts 8:1

II. The Lord’s People Tender and Terrible - Micah 5:7-8 
* A. The Gospel like dews comes from heaven as a blessing to all mankind - Psalm 72:4-7
* B. Yet to the unrepentant wicked, comes fearsome Judgment
* 1. The remnant are like the king of the beasts ruling over men - Revelation 20:4
* 2. Like a lion destroying sheep - Revelation 19:21
* 3. Not only destroying the wicked but destroying Satan himself - Romans 16:20
* a. We must never forget that in Christ we are more than conquerers - Romans 8:37 
* b. We must never let the enemy deceive us

Amazing Grace by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



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